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Tuesday 11 January 2011

Busy Day

So today is a busy day, I've got a little but of a break before I need to go doctors and then argos and then gym :)

As I said before I lost my nose stud so I've been putting needles in there to keep it open xD lol some people may be thinking omg needles don't worry they are clean ;) lol I've got to go buy a real stud from Argos later, lucky for me it is next to the bus stop I need to get on at to go gym. I'm really sleepy right now but I need to do some fitness :)

Last night I made this, it may not be great but it is the first ever dress I've made, I'm proud of myself, please click bigger to see it, I'm so proud lol My dad's girlfriend got me a set to make stuff and I'm so happy with what I made! People may be like are you frigging 5? well no I'm not but I like to make things when I'm bored. I'm very artistic but I'm not good at it! :\ My problem is I can't paint draw or anything but I love it! Wish I could do it all :( I'm totally gel of people who can do it all :(

Bye everyone
Lots and lots of beautiful love going your way

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