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Sunday 2 January 2011

More 4+1

Good night <3
Hey everyone, this is my last update of the night, right now I'm watching "half ton man" gosh it has really opened my eyes! If your not watching it it is currently on More 4+1 if you want to watch it from the start then google it, maybe youtube has it. Anyone who wants to loose some weight, I recommend you to watch it. This isn't for the faint hearted trust me, there are some awful sights on this program....
Anyway, I've been watching this and it has really opened my eyes and I don't want to ever be that big, I've slowly over the years got bigger and bigger, some people may say to me that I'm not that big but I feel massive. I really need me a Gok Wan so I feel better about myself. Anyway starting in 7mins I have to start my new diet, a diet for a lifetime, I feel I do have a problem, it don't matter what I eat I put on weight. So no eating for me ;)

Night everyone. I'll update you on my gym search and my weight lose, if any :( Thank you for any donations made for the boob job. Link below remember it is only $2USD you will be sending. 

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