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Sunday 2 January 2011

new year resolutions

new year resolutions

New year resolutions is most likely the one thing I say I'm going to 100% do and never get round to doing, each year I promise myself "this year is going to be better than the last, don't worry Charlene we can make it this year"
and I never ever do what I set out to do, I end up slacking behind, forgetting the resolution or worse still doing the complete opposite... 

 This year is different, I am going to do my resolution and stick to it! 

I have decided these are mine this year:

1.Get fit! get down to a beautiful size 12-14.
2. Save money for a boob job and/or holiday.
3.Eat healthy and go gym twice or more a week.
4. Not let haters bring me down.
5.Get over my depression! 

To many of you these may seem easy and you may think why bother? Well to me these 5 things mean alot! From Monday the 10th I'm starting all of these, from Monday the 3rd I'm starting some of these, I'm going to start eating healthy from the 3rd and find a gym in time for the 10th, Gyms cost a lot so anything left over is for my boob job, I won't need much for food as I won't be eating much! here is how I'm doing it:-

As of Monday (tomorrow) I'm sticking to a no more than 700 calories a day! I know doctors say you should have around 2,000 but that clearly isn't working for me! I'm not really a massive eater and look at the size of me! TBH I LOVE my curves, my big massive boobs and my lovely bum but I hate the belly and the stretch marks! I know loosing weight will not get shot of them but it will make me alot more happy! I know my boobs will go smaller to like a D cup or something so a boob job is needed! I like big boobs, the one part of my body I like!

   I really do feel my depression isn't only because of what is going on in my head, I think haters and what people say to me brings me down just as much as I hate the size of my ugly body! I feel once I complete them two goals my depression will lift a bit and I can slowly go down with the amount of meds I need and then off them completely :)

If you have any advice for me let me know I'd love to hear it! x 

P.S I'D ONLY EVER USE The Harley Medical Group


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