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Monday 10 January 2011

Oh Monday Blues

Who Has Them Monday Blues?
I didn't go to bed till gone 4am this morning, I just couldn't sleep tbh with you all I didn't want to sleep! I was watching "Camp" on Film4 :) I then couldn't sleep :\ I got to sleep God knows what time and I had to wake up for college at 6 but I didn't :D I didn't wake up till like 7:30am and had to rush around the house, I left the house around 8:25! I needed to be in college at 9 and I live like 45 mins away from Oxford Street! lol 

Anyway today we had clients, well I never because I've done clients and other girls in my class have not, I sat with my friend Sara, Chloe && Kristina In the main salon. We sat in the room having a little gossip and I did my make-up :) and Chloe did my eyebrow! YES ONE lol because my teacher had done the other one. Anyway after hours of gossip we had lunch, me and Sara went to M&S and I got some sexy prawns and crab sticks. SO LUSH! I had to take my make-up off because my teacher was putting fake lashes on me, I took my nose stud out to do so and I've lost it outside starbucks :( So not happy!

Tomorrow I have some long ass busy day! I got driving at 11:25am and then I need to run to Surrey Quays to then buy a nose stud, after I got my nose stud I need to come home and my Grandad will be here I hope, after than I'll go Doctors with my mum and have a chat with my doctor :) after THAT I'm going gym for 2 hours and then home to rest. I'll more than likely have a little snack tomorrow not a lunch and stuff.

Bye for now everyone xx

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