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Monday 17 January 2011

Todays Events

Let me start today by starting at midnight :)

I went to bed around 1:30am, this is real early for me as I'm normally up all hours of the morning on here, Facebook and BBM :) I then woke up at 7am when my mum got me up, I looked at my phone next thing I know it says 7:40am! I was like omg did I fall asleep? It was totally only 7am a moment ago, that is when today started to get worse and worse! 

I was then really late to college, I didn't take an umbrella because I was so pissed off I just didn't care if I got wet! it was pouring it down and I looked like I had been swimming in my college uni. To top it up the bus wasn't going all the way to my college so I had to wait at St thomas' hospital for a next bus, lucky for me it didn't take too long and I was off on my way to college, I got to college around 9:30 to be told my teacher had to rush home to her sick baby, there was only a few girls in today, we sat and gossiped and I ended up leaving college and going to the gym!
After gym I went back to the girls gossiped and then two of them went home, I then went and got some prawns for lunch and a sandwich, the other girl then ended up going home leaving me all alone, I went to a sex talk with my college, it was super call. I got 4 latex-free condoms, headphones and a mobile phone thingy lol, then had to do a chlamydia test, it couldn't pee :( everyone who knows me knows I have a OCD with toilets and I was nearly sick just thinking about using the toilet ;( I ended up peeing and I should get my results back in 5 days, I know I don't have chlamydia but that is how you got the free gifts =P

After the sex talk I was late to English, I just had to print my work so the teacher could mark my work, nothing long. After English we had tinting, so boring when there are like 4 of you in a class! I ended up just being really hyper and bouncing around the room for an hour, after tinting we had a new lesson, I then was really hyper with a laser beam thing and messing with the skeleton in the classroom :D I then had a crash, fell asleep in class for two hours and woke up feeling like rubbish! Because I still can't sleep well with my illness :( I had a mega crash! I was like a new person as one of my classmates said, you wouldn't think I was the same Charlene who was bouncing around the room two hours ago!

Now I'm at home :D Watching Eastenders and feeling happy I'm going Ayia napa and getting my new phone tomorrow :)

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