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Monday 10 January 2011

Work out for apple shaped or hourglass shape

I love my curvy girls, from apple shaped girls (bigger bust, big around the middle and big bum, legs) to the average hour-glass shaped girls (big bust, small waist, big bum, legs)

As I'm currently in the middle of being a apple shape and hour-glass (I have big bust, small waist but not that small, big legs and bum) I wanted to help many of you girls get in shape. As you know I've not been at the gym long but I have picked up a few tips ;)

Try this workout for size ;)

Monday;Wednesday; Thursday;Friday;Sunday

Monday & Wednesday Morning:
Walk, do a brisk walk for about 15 mins, 20 if your feeling confident and 25 if your a little expert ;) 
Monday & Wednesday Afternoon:
Run, do the same amount of time as you did in the morning but running this time, if you feel good you can run in the morning and at night

In the morning wake up to a lovely bowl of Special K or Weatibix, for a snack you can have a cereal bar or some fruit, for lunch have a fresh salad with a bowl of fruit. for dinner have a pasta with Italian tomato sauce, if you still feel peckish have a nice plum ;)

Thursday & Friday Morning:
Run for 30 mins before work, school or whatever you have to do of a morning. if you don't have time to do a brisk walk try squats, do 10 squats break for a few moments and then do 10 more if you choose to do the squats do some sit up too, 10 break for a few moments 10 more and so on, this will help tone your tummy.
Thursday & Friday Night: If you own a bike go cycling for 20 mins or however long you can last, remember the longer the better! 

Diet: Wake up in the morning with a bowl of porridge, this will keep you fuller for longer. for a snake have 1 sliced pear or 3 plums for lunch have Turkey stir fry, for dinner have a nice rustic chicken casserole. if you still feel peckish don't forget to have some fruit or 4 cherry tomatoes, 
Sunday Morning:
its Sunday! Relax them sexy legs ;) Today work on your upper body, do some push ups, the same as with the squats, 10 then rest and then 10. 
Sunday Afternoon: got a wii? Get playing ;) do an hour on wii, have fun and relax before starting the week again with jogging, running and brisk walking 

Diet: For breakfast wake up to a bowl of fruit, have 3 plums, 170g of green grapes. For lunch have talian vegetable risotto for snacks have Fruits of the Forest Shake, for dinner have a nice tomato and cheese pizza. Still feeling peckish? Have a snack bar. Make sure the snack bar is under 100 calories

So I hope this helps some people, if it don't I'm sorry, this is my personal new plan I do eat other stuff and not that but this is changeable ;) 
If you need any advice or help just ask :) 


  1. Thank you for this. I am a bit of a pear and struggle to deal with my shape. Hopefully with some strict exercise and a good diet I'll be a sexy hourglass in no time ;) x

  2. This diet and exercise regime would suit me down to the ground. It's not too intense and mixes things up, so all being well, I should be able to stick to it. Thanks!
