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Sunday 13 February 2011

I came on my blog today and said to myself "if I have more than 10 views from today I'll write a blog again, and I looked on my stats and saw even though I hadn't even been on my blog in days and I hadn't posted there was 30 views today alone! I was in shock, all in America too !! <3 

I guess I'll be blogging for a little while longer, not sure how long though...

I decided I'll have a month (31 days) full of things I HAVE to blog about... :) 
take a look, each day I'll blog about something new if I don't get over 1500 views in the 31 days I'll quit my blog for good! :) <3

Day 01 - Why I blog
Day 02 - My love <3
Day 03 - My family
Day 04 - College
Day 05 - My life
Day 06 - My addictions
Day 07 - My best friend
Day 08 - Memory
Day 09 - Reasons behind why I'm doing this
Day 10 - Pictures of today only
Day 11 - My make-up collection
Day 12 - In my handbag
Day 13 - This Week & how it has been
Day 14 - About each scar on my body
Day 15 - My dreams && future
Day 16 - My first kiss <3
Day 17 - My favorite memory ever
Day 18 - My favorite birthday
Day 19 - This I regret about life
Day 20 - This Month overall
Day 21 - Why I am the way I am
Day 22 - Things that upset me
Day 23 - Things that makes me feel better
Day 24 - Things that makes me cry
Day 25 - A first...
Day 26 - My fears
Day 27 - My favorite websites && why
Day 28 - Things I miss about my old life
Day 29 -  anything
Day 30 - Why I love my readers

Day 31 - What I got up to this day 


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