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Monday 10 October 2011

Turkey day 1

I am in Turkey guys. :) Rainy stormy Turkey! I left my house around 6pm to leave for Gatwick airport and the flight was delayed two hours! Fight should have been at 10:25 but we didn't get on the runway till 11:59! The flight was awful. I am so fucking ill its unreal. I was sick a little on the flight and I was coughing so much, my nose was runny and I just couldn't sit well. I got to my hotel Palm Wings at 8:30 am. I had been traveling for over 12 hours! Horrible. When we was in the sky we could see thunder and lightening, it was beautiful, I have seen it before but this was truly beautiful. I did record it but the recording it shit. I used my iphone because my camera was up above my head... Oh and at the airport I got two 1L bottles of Vodka for £18, it was like buy one get one free, I paid £9 and my mum paid £9 one is for xmas this year and the other is just mine for when I want it. I won't drink it this holiday because I get free booze from 10am - 11pm and that is all I really need.

I got to the hotel and we sat around till 9:30 then went for breakfast it was awful, I ended up eating just toast because the rest was bullshit awful. I've been drinking loads of fruit juices because I don't want to get drunk and be ill plus I've been taking meds don't want to mix them. I did ask for "Sex On The Beach" but they said that costs and isn't on the all inclusive so they done me a "Sex On The Roof" which made me giggle, it is totally the same but different name.. :S Oh wells it was free. I then had lunch around 12 where I had a Turkish Flat Pizza and some rice. I can hardly eat, I'm eating baby size food right now. I keep coughing up everything I eat if you can understand that...
After a child like lunch we went for a walk, mum found an "Ugg" shop, I really wanted these Uggs but they are so fake. If they was real I'd get them but they was behond fake, the bottom of the boot looked like a 4 year old and made it. Its a total shame because I love my Ugg boots. Best things I ever got. (I got mine with my own money) :) We then walked down towards town, we walked say a mile and a bit, I'm shit with these kinds of things but it was pretty far, we was walking for ages and ages and I found a dog, a beautiful stray little mutt, it was following me around and it was so cold and wet and dirty, hadn't been fed in weeks by the look of things, I walked off and it stayed there, an hour later I am walking back to my hotel and the dog is outside the hotel waiting for me! Weird because clearly the dog couldn't know where my hotel is.... It walked into the hotel with me and the management kicked it away. (really kicked it) and I was well upset, I said in the lobby for 20 mins because it was pissing down and the rain looked like a fucking shower! I ran to my room which is pretty far away to use the loo (I have a fear of public loos) I was in the room and mum knocked on the door, and told me to come out and guess who was sitting outside for me? THE DOG. I don't know how it found my room. My room is at the back of the hotel complex (this is a MASSIVE HOTEL) and the dog was limping because they hurt it, I tried to feed him crisps because that is all we had in our hotel room but he wouldn't eat em :( The management then come to take the dog away and the can done that thing on his trote as to say your dead... do you know what I mean? I hope you do...

Now I'm sitting in the room alone on my laptop, the wifi is fucking shit so I'm not sure if this will post and when it will post.... I hope you like the pictures so far of the holiday, these pictures are not from my professional camera they are from my iphone so don't say something wack about my photography. I AM VERY ILL!!

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