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Friday 10 February 2012


Woke up around 7:15 this morning. I needed to wake up and straighten my hair but I feel asleep and mum woke me back up around 7:45! I jumped up had a wash and started on my hair. By 8:30 I was washed dressed and hair done. I had 15 mins to then pack my bag and leave for college. I sat down to have some toast and I see the news.. "OLD KENT ROAD WATER PIPE BURST" I looked out my window and see a 21... The 21 bus don't come past my house... :S There is a load of traffic on Old Kent Road so all traffic is on diversion. I wouldn't even know where to get the bus to college!! I called the college so now I'm not in today. Pretty good to stay home and not go out in the snow but today I was seeing Thomas Cook! YES THOMAS COOK... I could of had a 2nd chance with working with them. I am really upset that I can't meet them today. But just looking on Twitter alone the traffic is awful! :(

This is a picture of me in my work outfit :D Taken today

When I woke up one of the first things I done even before washing I had 2 look out the window. This is the snow today. Not as epic as the snow last weekend but it is enough for some fun! I do love the snow but I like loads of snow or no snow at all. No point in only giving a little bit haha. Make it worth my while ;) It does look beautiful though. I am a little shocked at how good this picture looks when it was taken from my iphone and it was taken through the window. I didn't even open it haha. I just moved the blind a little xD 

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