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Friday 11 May 2012

One of the best days of my life

wow, today has been #AMAZEBALLS I have to say it has been one of the best days of my life! I'll explain why!

I woke up at 7:30 am and put my phone on snooze, woke up 8am and had to rush around a little bit, but I was still in a good mood. I got to college at 9:15am and done some geography studying.

I had a rep meeting today, I am class rep which means any problems my class mates have they tell me and I talk to the college/teachers. Things like the fact we dislike 3 hours of geography on a Friday, they cut it down for some people... :) I think it is a really good idea to get a rep in the class, one voice can be pretty strong when it is voicing the opinion of many. So anyway, at the meeting I got a free hot chocolate from the head of Travel & Tourism, I have to say it was the BEST hot chocolate I have EVER had. It was beautiful!

After the meeting I had my geography exam, I PASSED IT. Not only did I pass it I got a distinction and that is the highest grade you can get. I am so proud because that is my 2nd in geography, 1 more and I am very likely to get on level 3, if I decide to go uni it is also a plus point, it isn't a ucas point but I'd be proud to say I have it haha. I am not sure if I'd like to go university but its nice to have the option, if I decide to go uni I will deffo pick Brighton as my first choice and not sure what would be my 2nd. I'd have to see what do Travel and Tourism.

I finished college about 1pm and went Peckham, "The Blue" and Surrey Quays, I picked up some suede dye for my new wedges so they are both the same colour black. I am yet to fix them but I have what I need. :)

As you know I got an email from Club 18-30 saying I won the contest, I also saw it on Facebook so fingers crossed tomorrow or Monday I will have Ibiza fully booked then I can pass my college knowing I have something exciting at the end of it, I am not sure when we will go because we want to go Gay Pride on the 7th of July and I am working the Olympics from the 27th and Lillie may not be able to go on the 11th due to her brother and sister's birthdays... It may be an end of July thing and miss a few days of the Olympics... We will have to play it by ear really. I think she is calling me when she finishes work at midnight.

Mum just cooked a beautiful dinner, it was really lush. THANK YOU MUM :)

It has been a wonderful day today, hot sometimes, sunny and so on. I look loads of pictures with Instagram. :)


Why my day has been amazing

1) Woke up well
2) Free hot chocolate
3) Passed geography exam
4) Got shoe dye
5) Won contest
6) Mum cooked lush dinner
7) It has been sunny and some what hot all day

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