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Sunday 3 June 2012

Horrible day :(

Sorry I have not blogged, been a little tired recently. 

I've finished college, just back in two weeks for a review on all my work I believe. I am happy, I done my level 3 work and fingers crossed I get on it, A LEVEL work is hard, I would have to say it was the worst bit of work I have ever done :( I just hope they accept me and see I tired it and I am willing to learn, I've done level 2 English which is the highest functional skills level, so I guess I am pretty smart? lol 


I went to work yesterday, England vs Belgium. I got to work, signed in and got sent to "P", got my uniform and went to the place I should be working to find out they sent me to the wrong place :( I had to change uniforms, so I went back to change my uniform and there was only an up escalator, so I went down the stairs to find out there wasn't an exit :( I got lost! Come back up the stairs and the door was only a door you can open from the other side, so I bent down put my fingers under the door opened it and got chest pains, I couldn't breath well and my chest was getting tighter, a random man come past and asked "are you okay?" I burst out crying and said "No, I have chest pains, can't breath" I was in SO much pain, more pain than I have ever had in my life! After about what felt like 20-30 mins first aid come and I could breath a lot better but was feeling light headed, I got taken in a wheel chair to the medical centre where I had an ECG done, it all come back normal and I felt so much better. I called my mum and told her and she called my dad to bring me home, I got a bus to my dads and he drove me home, I got home and was in pain again, not as bad as before but now whenever I breath too deeply my chest hurts and when I go up the stairs :( * the bathroom is upstairs in my house* it is horrible...

I'll go see my GP on Wednesday! 

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