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Tuesday 14 August 2012

Work today

Due to 90% of the atletes going home yesterday work was pretty dead in that way, but I did have loads of laughs today!

I had to scrub table wheels because the chefs are too lazy to clean after they drop stuff! It was horrible, Kim and Aggie would have a run for their money! I was also doing moping and cleaning the pasta oven thing...

I had a bit of an argument with the hea chef, well I didn't argue, I walked off so I wasn't rude, he has been bugging me for two weeks now and I have had enough of his stupidness, I may put in a formal complaint against him! We will see how everything pans out!

So after work me and georgia went Stratford center got some sweeties! Hmmm haha and I got home like 4:30pm, pretty late really.

Now I am tired and ready for my two days off! :D

**picture is crap but it was 'london 2012' done with a mop and water in the Athlete's village.. :D One of the girls done it!

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