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Monday 31 December 2012

Blogger's ball 2012

The first annual Blogger's ball hosted by the wonderful Lala Lists, Glossy Blonde & Jessica Who?

I decided I'd like to attend the virtual ball as I love the dress up and I didn't have a prom back in school. *sulks* You have to post your outfit and answer some questions. Here is my outfit for the ball You can find the prices & stores at the bottom of this post.

I really love this dress, I'd have to wear a clear bra under the dress or something because it would do nothing for my boobs, that is the biggest downside of being top heavy.

What was your best part of 2012?

My best part of 2012 was winning a free holiday with club 18-30 to Ibiza. Me and my best friend had an amazing time and I'm now an Ibiza addict like the rest. It is a beautiful island and I'd recommend anyone with money to go. It was a little pricey once we were out there but who cares when it was free!?

What was your favourite song/book/movie of 2012?

I want to say 'Maria Maria - Santana' but it isn't for 2012, I just love the song. My favourite song would have to be 'Bromance-Avicii' I love him and the song is the most played on my itunes. My favourite book, I don't really have time to read because I start then don't finish it. My favourite movie just isn't coming to mind, you know when you can think of 100 movies you have watched but one doesn't jump out at you? I'll have to say 'The lovely bones' I watched it for the first time this year and my heart was touched!

What was your biggest accomplishment of 2012?

I have never really been one to keep reminding myself of accomplishments, but I think my biggest and one I'm most proud of is applying for university, it sounds silly to most but back in secondary school the teachers told me I'd never amount to nothing and to think I'm doing a-level style work and preparing to go university (if they accept me) really makes me happy. When I think about it I am also really proud of working at the London 2012 Olympics, I can forever say 'I helped make that a wonderful summer for London' Thank you for allowing me to work there.

What are you looking forward to the most in 2013?

Pretty much the same as my last one, going to university, I hope to be going UCB so I'd be living away from London for the first time in my life. I am always looking forward to going on maybe my last girls holiday as I may not be able to afford it when I become a university student.  I can't wait to see what the future holds.

What are your new year's resolutions?
I don't really have one, I never keep to them.

Where I got the outfit:
Prom dress: £271.06
Louboutin shoes: £495
Louboutin clutch bag: £550
OPI nail varnish: £7.50
Swarovski necklace: £149
Swarovski earrings: £54
Swarovski bangle: £119
Outfit total: £1645.56


  1. what a gorgeous dress!!! nice pick!

    happy new year! xx

  2. I hate being top heavy! The dress I picked out would never work for my top half lol
