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Wednesday 26 December 2012

Successful Christmas

Hope everyone had a good day yesterday, I sure did. 

I had the best Christmas I can remember, not because I got loads of gifts or anything like that, but it was the first Christmas I've not been a mood cow. Sulking, making arguments or just being moody. I am a little bit like the Grinch sometimes. I was just happy to have the person I love the most with me on such a special day.


I didn't have a massive family Christmas, we never do. There was just 3 of us but we had such a fun time. I couldn't believe I talked them into playing cluedo with me, I love the game and I won. But because I won I got told I cheated (like always). 
 Dinner was amazing, I don't normally like Turkey but it tasted so nice yesterday. The best part is breakfast for me, I say breakfast I normally have it like 11am. It is the bacon off the Turkey. Even though it has been in the oven for 2+ hours it isn't burnt, it was perfect, and the top layer of Turkey tasted of bacon! Mmmm... I had forgot to add gravy before taking this picture. Mum always piles it up on Christmas. I couldn't even eat half of this :(
 I got three gifts under the tree from my mum, two gifts I picked up (top and cardigan), £80 to spend in the sales, £100 to go towards whatever I like from grandad (I want to save it for university), £20 from my mum's friends, a Red Herring watch from my mum's friend and I'll find out what my dad, brother and step-mum got me in two days. It sounds alot when I write it down. But it isn't much compared to what I normally get, but you know what. I am so much happier this year because it is all meaningful gifts. Mummy got me Apple Sourz, Tulisa gift set & a top for under the tree. She knows I LOVE sourz & Tulisa's perfume so thought went into my present. As I look on Facebook at other's gifts they get so much junk they would next use, don't even like or would never want. I am so happy that is year it was all stuff I wanted/needed. 
So overall I had an amazing day, I didn't get too drunk and I'm looking forward to what the new year has to bring. Roll on Christmas 2013. 

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