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Sunday 2 December 2012


I think I have found my university, I just hope they accept me!

Woke up 4:45am yesterday morning, got washed, dress and so on and left for Victoria Coach station. Got to Victoria for 6:45ish and the coach was at 7am, got on the coach and it was freezing, they had NO heating on the coach, and when I say it was cold I mean I felt like I was outside on a park bench for 3 hours. My legs felt burnt with the coldness and my coat wasn't even keeping me warm it was that cold! 

We got to Birmingham late, around 10:30am, none of the locals even knew where the University was and we got lost, finally got there about 11:30am and went for some free lunch, I think they wanted to make me fatter, I couldn't eat it all they gave me so much food. Went to a little lecture where they told us about the course and I was even more amazed, you can also study as many languages as you like for FREE! This can be Spanish, French, Italian, German and so on. After the lecture I didn't go on a tour because me and mum had a little look around already, I then went to speak to one of the assistant deans at the university who gave me so much help and advice I couldn't believe it. She was amazing and it just showed how lovely the University is. The staff are so nice. 

We then got the coach to the halls where I'd be living if I went, I chose the halls that are most expensive because you get your own bathroom! It is £95 a week and that includes internet, electric and all them other little bills you don't think about when you first get your own place. I'd have to get a job to help pay when I am there but I am already starting to save any money I get to help me. The room is pretty big too for a studio. Single bed, cupboard, two shelves, TV wall shelf, desk and a room that has the shower, toilet and sink. I was pretty amazed at the room, it was so clean and everything. I could 100% see myself living there!

After the halls tour me and mum left and went to the Birmingham Frankfurt Christmas Market near the university. It was really busy and I felt like I was going to have a panic attack at one point, everyone is just pushing, drinking loads of German beer and being merry. I have to say it was really pretty and I enjoyed the day. Got back to Victoria around 8:30pm and got home about 9:15pm. So a pretty long day it was nice to get into bed and sleep. 

Fingers crossed they want me because I'd do anything to go to this university now, it is 100% my first choice. They say don't put all your eggs in one basket but I feel like I should. I'd work my socks off for them to accept me.

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