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Sunday 23 December 2012

Winter Wonderland 2012

 After shopping it was time for Winter Wonderland.

How beautiful is winter wonderland!? It really got me in the mood for Christmas. It is so magical. I even got in the festive spirit with some German beer, I hate beer normally but it was oddly nice. I'd drink it again. Only cost £4. Only downside to Winter Wonderland is the fact my grey trainers are not grey and brown. It was so wet and muddy, I felt like I was at a festival. This picture doesn't even show how muddy and dirty it is. I'm 100% recommend going in wellies, boots or trainers you don't mind getting dirty. I guess it isn't so bad normally but we have had a lot of rain the last few days so it was like a swimming pool at times. The should sell them blue shoe things that look like a shower cap. They would sell like hot cakes when the weather is how it is.

A picture of me outside Winter Wonderland. I look awful but it is the only picture that was taken of me. 

Overall it is a really good experience and things ain't too pricey. One token = £1 and rides start from £2. You can't use cash to pay for rides, tokens only. The Q for tokens are really long!  

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