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Wednesday 23 January 2013

Today 23/01/13

I am sorry I've not really been online, I've had a pretty busy day.

Woke up 10:30am and got washed and so on. Got to Guy's hospital for midday for my blood tests. I didn't go St Thomas' like last time. The lady done it first time and pain free! I am so glad I've got the tests out the way now I have to wait a week or two to find out if I am well.

After the hospital I met up with my friend and went back to her place. I always nearly PMSL with her. We have so much fun. We had a bottle of wine and had a little catch up. I got home about 6:30pm ready for dinner. Been watching TV till now and I just done my mum's hair for her. I've also been too lazy to get at my laptop.

Speak tomorrow

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