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Sunday 10 February 2013

My life is on track

My life is fully on track! As you know yesterday I went to Birmingham again to check out the university for a 2nd time. This time with my dad so he could judge the place. It was a really good day and I some how got them to accept me again, if you read my university posts you would have seen how upset I got when UCB only accepted me once (foundation degree and not BA) well after speaking with admissions I got accepted on the BA. I was so happy I could have accepted the place right there and then. Once I got home I spoke with my mum and dad and they don't want me to leave London. They said it is up to me and they will not stand in my way but Birmingham is really far. I slept on it and this afternoon I picked East London university as my firm and Birmingham BA as my 2nd. I really want to go to both but I have to be honest with myself. Birmingham is pretty far and I only know a handful of people in Birmingham.

I've got the amazing news of going to university, I am going Ibiza and I've already saved up enough for my spending money. I have my life fully on track now. I am going to work so hard to get top grades in everything from now on. Make sure I deserve my place at university!

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