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Friday 1 March 2013

Models Own Bubblegum nail varnish

My awesome postman brought me this today! EEEEEEK!  I was honestly so excited as I saw it come through the letter box. There was a little squeal when as I noticed the Motel Rocks bag. I really wasn't expecting it already. It got posted two days ago and I did the free delivery which apparently takes 7-10 working days but it came in two. I am so amazed with Motel Rocks. I am loving them more and more each day! 

I'll do a little review of this varnish in a few days. I'll do my nails tomorrow and see how long they last then write a review. I am loving the colour, the picture doesn't show how bright it is as I took it with my phone.  

Don't forget to enter 'leeshastarr' at the checkout of Motel Rocks to get 20% discount!

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