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Tuesday 5 March 2013

PFA - Pants For Asia CHARITY

 Hi guys, 
I know it is a lot to ask but I am part of a PatrepreneurSHIP project and we need to raise money and awareness towards poverty in India and about fair trade cotton. I am in no way asking for money from my beautiful readers but I would very much appreciate if you could LIKE our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter. I will follow you back. If you share and RT too I'd love you even more. It isn't even about the project anymore, this cause has really touched my heart and pulled at my heartstrings. I want the suicide rate to fall from 7 a day to none a year. HELP US help these farmers who helped make the clothes you are sitting in while you read this post!
 We will be uploading videos on Youtube very soon. Make sure you help out by liking the page and youtube account!

As a team we will be selling pants/briefs and pyjamas for pants to poverty to earn money for farmers and factory workers in India allowing them to live a fulfilled life. (which they deserve) We will be selling the products online (maybe) and at Lewisham College. You can join the cause by liking our page and donating money to this wonderful charity. 
 Did you know that more than 17,500 farmers a year killed themselves between 2002 and 2006 and the total number of farmers who have taken their own lives in Maharashtra since 1995 is closing in on 54,000?! That is outrageous! With each pair of knickers or pyjamas we sell can save someone's live and help change it for the better. They are killing themselves because they are in so much debt, they are unable to make a living from their land so they feel they have no alternative. They are losing the will to live and we can be that reason, the reason they smile each day knowing things will get better. Help keep things fair, fair trade. The East India Company promoted the unjust cotton trade system that fuelled Gandhi's uprise in India!

Email - pants4asia@hotmail.co.uk 
 Please share this post and ask your friends to help. 
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