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Saturday 27 April 2013

Sunny Tuesday

It has taken me far too many days to write this post, as I keep saying I am so busy and when I'm not busy I take the time to sleep or catch up on my soaps. I've been trying real hard to get together a decent blog post and I've just now had the time. So today being Saturday I am going to do loads of posts and schedule them over the next few days. 

So Tuesday was a beautiful day, about 20°c which is pretty good for London. I had a short day at college and about 6pm I met up with Lillie and we got some cider and wine and went to Southbank. We had a long walk along Southbank from St Thomas' Hospital and then walked over the bridge to Lillie's work and then onto Trafalgar Square for some drinking, gossip and a chilled out time. I had to admit I drank far too much of the win and got a little tipsy. I say a little... I fell over in Charing Cross haha. 

Here are some pictures.  

Wow, how can so many skateboards be here!?

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