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Saturday 18 May 2013

May 2013 writing challenge - Day 18

 Day 18: Pictures Of You As A Child
It was really hard to find decent pictures of me as a child, I seem to always be naked or half naked in all my pictures. It is fair to say I wanted to be a nudest baby. I was always lifting up my dress or baby grow or maybe my parents just like to take pictures of me being naughty so they can make fun of me when I'm older. I've found these pictures that I like and I'm not nude! 
This was my 4th birthday shared with my mum's friend's daughter. I'll always be Melanie B (Scary Spice) when I was younger. I think it was the afro hair!
I have no idea what they put me in this day haha. I guess it was in fashion in the early 90's.
I think this jumper is pretty cool. I'd totally wear it now! Thanks mum! It's the 10/09/95 so only 17 days before my birthday!
This was my 1st birthday - Yes I learnt to walk at about 10 months. I can't stand the outfit but as I said before I guess it was the in fashion in the early 90s
I believe this is my 2nd Christmas. I look about a year and a bit right? lol

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