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Thursday 12 September 2013

Giveaway HELP

I need your help! 
 I am doing a Giveaway next month as it will be two years of me having my domain name. I'd like to know what brands you love the most so I can buy them for the giveaway. You can vote once a day. Feel free to tweet me or comment me with items you like from each brand. I MAY buy them for the giveaway. Thanks!

What brand do you want in the giveaway?
pollcode.com free polls 


  1. I'm doing a 'Mac lipstick of your choice' giveaway which is proving to be really popular! I think offering someone something of their choice, then adding a few extra bits maybe of your favourite products if you wanted to bulk it up is a good prize :) x x

    1. I love those giveaways, I do love MAC. I think I'll do that for my Christmas one. Thanks!
      Love the blog :)
