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Monday 14 October 2013

Some down time

I feel like university is taking over my life and I never have time to post... It is so stressful, I have 5 big assignments due before November 14th. I've not even started one yet! I seem to keep looking at a blank page with nothing on it wondering why I've got in so much debt for THIS... I break up early December and I'll make sure I do loads of new posts then but till then I guess you'll have to bare with the little posts with nothing amazing going on. I'll try do some reviews once I get back in the UK from Africa and I'll also posts some pictures while I'm there and write a little post after. I'm still not sure if I am taking my laptop with me or not. If I do I'll make sure I post. I also have a giveaway starting later tonight... Make sure you're in it to win it! 

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