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Friday 21 February 2014

Newest new family member

On the 11th I wrote up about the new family member, well guess what. I have a new one. 

I got home from university on Wednesday to a beautiful little 'Princess'. And honestly, the pictures do her no justice. She is so beautiful and a while colour with a gold spot on her head and tail. Unfortunately 'Simon' that is his current name decided it would be fun to bully her a little and ate all the food, keeps hitting her and following her around the tank I hope he settles down. Mum spoke with one of the 'fish experts' and she said he could be a 'special' fish! He's a little nutty. He swims and darts around the tank, he often bangs his head against the mirrored side of the tank and eats his own poo before spitting it back out. I got all the water tested and it is completely fine and he's slowed down a little since the water change but he's still a little crazy. 

As you can see I've added a plant into my tank, this plant helps getting rid of ammonia and he seems to love biting it and spitting it out. I am fed up of it being stuck in the filter. I do wonder if he is trying to do a 'finding nemo'. I also read Shubunkins are a hungry fish which explains why he's always looking for food and darting around after feed.  

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  1. I love reading your updates very cute :-)

    Helen X

  2. Congrats on your new member, she /he looks really sweet.

  3. Aw, thats a lovely looking goldfish! When I was younger, we had a strict 'no pets' policy in my house, then I went and won a fish at the fair, which my dad promised my mum would be dead within the week, and he lived for 14 years :) we called him Godzilla. I seem to remember from twitter/your previous posts that you're london based? I'm giving away a free eyelash extension appointment at 'The Spa Room' if you're interested on my blog? Don't know many london based ladies and I want it to go to good use, so if you wanted to enter just pop over and let me know! xx

    Thrifty Firecracker x

  4. o0o0o0 she is pretty! I love the gold spot on her head, it's like a crown (I'm guessing that's why she's called princess?). I hope Simon stops bullying her soon and they become good tank-mates :)
