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Wednesday 5 March 2014

Barry M Glitter Nail Paint in Red Review

Glitter Nail Paint Shade Red (150)

I am a massive fan of Barry M nail varnishes and glitter so I couldn't wait to try this one out. I got it from ILWF but I seem to have got the last one as it is now out of stock. It came pretty quick but due to work I couldn't use it straight away. But I've got round to trying it now and here is my review.

I wasn't sure what to expect when using this varnish as all the other glitter varnishes I had used had a colour with them whereas this one was a little like a clear varnish with glitter in. The more coats you use the more glitter you get and the better coverage and opaqueness comes. 

with flash

I put the Varnish on my nails on Monday with the hope they would last till Friday when I'd have to take them off again for work but I couldn't last that long with them and took them off this morning! I really didn't like them. I may be a beautician but I'm not the best at nails which didn't help in this case. I found even with a top coat they peeled and looked a little messy if I'm honest. 

  • Cheap (£2.99)
  • Nice shade of red
  • Parts peeled a little
  • Non peeled parts were hard to take off
  • Quick drying
  • Two coats or more needed
  •  Could look nice of a different shade as a glitter top
  • Top coat changes texture

I guess I'll give this varnish a 2nd chance in the hope I'll fall in love with it like all my other Barry M varnishes.

Have you tried this nail varnish? Did you have better luck than I did or have any tips for me with glitter varnishes? | Facebook | Twitter | GFC | Bloglovin' | Youtube |


  1. Nice sparkly colour perfect for parties.

  2. This looks like such a pretty polish but I always find glitter polishes so hard to remove! xo

  3. I love the colour. I usually only wear quite boring colours, but I am going to make an effort to wear brighter colours.

    1. Me too, I normally go for the plain colours but I'm trying to get pretty nails for summer :D

  4. beautiful , i do love a bit of sparkles on my nails :)

    1. Me too, I'm trying so hard to get pretty nails haha

  5. Great colour! I love Barry M nail varnish.


    1. Me too, can't go wrong. So cheap and perfect. :)
