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Sunday 9 March 2014

#BrowArchMarch with Benefit

If you didn't know this month is Brow Arch March with Benefit Cosmetics. It is the female version of 'Movember'.
You get your eyebrows waxed, tinted and/or drawn on by a Benebabe (Benefit worker) and you can pay them anything from £5+ and all money goes to charity. If you didn't know this service would normally cost £11.50 at the brow bar so getting it for £5 would be a total bargain! The charity that Benefit are working alongside is Look Good Feel Better (LGFB).

I went to Oxford Street yesterday to try and look for work shoes and went to Debenhams to the Benefit section where I was kindly greeted by two guys who I had a little laugh with about getting my eyebrows threaded rather than waxed, I then asked to be seen by a Benebabe to find a foundation, her name was Charlotte and after a little talking I was talked into getting my eyebrows waxed for the charity. I really wanted to get it done but I hate waxing and would rather they just tinted them and I got them threaded the next day but they talked me into a wax and I'm happy with the results. 

I went and sat down in the chair to get waxed where I had to sign a form to agree I had no nut allergies or skin issues and I agreed for them to wax my brows. I was a little scared as I know you don't need a beauty NVQ to work for Benefit but I was reassured when the lady told me she did a NVQ before starting work at Benefit. They done one eye and she asked me if it was okay and then done the next. It was very quick, easy and didn't hurt at all. They also didn't 'double dip' like normal beauty salons do, she used a new spatula each time she got wax which stops cross contamination. (BONUS)
I really should have used my brush before taking the picture
After my wax I went back to Charlotte who was super helpful, she moisturized my face with, I believe, total moisture facial cream, she then used the POREfessional primer and hello flawless oxygen wow which I found out I was toasted beige. She did my eyebrows with brow zings and gimme brow. I really wanted to buy a new angle brush to do my eyebrows as I hate how little my Brow Zings brush is but unfortunately they had none in stock so I settled for the skincare 6 set which was £11.25 with the 10% discount. 

I ended up sending £22.50 in store with £11.25 going to charity. 

Have you got your brows done for B.A.M?
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  1. They look good :) love benefit products


  2. I had not heard of this before. What a great idea!

    1. I hadn't either till last month. It's an amazing charity

  3. So is this the whole of March? Never heard of it, it's a fantastic idea! Maybe worth of a Science So Sexy post even! since it combines Beauty and Science-related event!

    1. Yes, the whole of March. It's amazing to get something and give to charity all at the same time.
