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Sunday 16 March 2014

I Love My Round Up #3

I've been looking to join some linkups recently as I've not had a lot to say and I'm a big fan of Futures & Life in a Break Down so when I spotted they had one I though 'why not'. 
Round Up

The questions this week are:
1. What’s your favourite post you have posted this past fortnight?
As you can see I've not posted much this week, but I'd have to say my favourite post is my most recent one. The Barry M Coral review. I like the photography and really enjoyed taking the pictures and writing the review. 

2. Share with us a post you have loved reading from someone else this past fortnight.
It would be hard for me to say because I read so many blogs and I am honestly rubbish at remembering blogger's names/links. I'll update this if I come across someone who's post I've enjoyed. 

3. Do you enjoy reading books? IF so what are you reading at the moment / what’s your favourite book?
I honestly don't have time for books these days, the only books I read are university books and they bore the life out of me. I am currently reading "Keynes Hayek The Clash That Defined Modern Economics Book" you would think this has nothing to do with tourism but unfortunately for me it does and it is part of my degree. WISH ME LUCK! 

4. If you could spent 5 minutes with someone who would it be?
Would it be weird to say myself? I'd love to spend 5 minutes with me aged 13 when I had terrible depression and had other mental health issues. I'd love to say 'everything is going to get better, just wait and see'. 

5. What three words would you use to describe your blog?
Pink, Personal, Crazy

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1 comment:

  1. I don't think it's weird to say yourself at all - I think there's a lot I would like to tell myself if I could... Thank you so much for linking up with us :) xxx
