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Sunday 27 April 2014

What I'd tell my younger self

When I first started blogging in 2010 I had a lot of troubles and that was the whole reason I got into blogging, now we are in 2014 and I feel I've come so far in just 4 years so I decided it was about time that I did a post like this! 

1. Things will get easier, I promise!
I had very bad depression when I was younger, I'm not afraid to accept it now, I had anger issues and without medication I'm not sure I'd be here right now. I've never really openly said I had mental health issues but recently I've come to own my flaws and know each day I am getting stronger towards overcoming them issues. I also got bullied a lot in school which didn't help with my temper or depression and it would have been nice to comfort myself and say one day you'll be pretty happy in the skin you're in! I am now off my medication (I took myself off it) and take one day at a time, it can be hard but I've learned that a problem shared is a problem halved.  

2. Sort out your make-up love!
2009 - In beauty school
I had to write this! Do you ever look back at pictures and think 'WHAT WAS I WEARING!?' mine is more 'HOW MUCH MAKE-UP ARE YOU WEARING!?' I was about 14 when I decided make-up was for me, it clearly wasn't! I had the wrong shades, I liked pink lipstick and it really wasn't for me! 

3. Don't mess around with your hair, it is beautiful!
How curly my hair was. Sorry about the pout xD
I don't regret going red as I love it but before going red I was black, brown, blonde, caramel, purple and plum. I have Afro-Caribbean hair and I would get it chemically straightened but I also had a curly perm. I just wish I didn't mess around with it so much! 

4. Appreciate your mum more, she isn't doing it to upset you!
My mum is honestly my rock and my best friend in the whole wide world, I couldn't love someone more if I tried. I argued with her a lot over silly teenage things and I really wish I hadn't, although if anything things have got us closer together I still shouldn't have said some of the things I did. We always think our parents are there to upset us or stop us having fun but really they are helping us not make the mistakes they once did. 

5. Stop eating so much!
Of course I am not happy being a larger lady but as I said before I am learning to grow and love my own skin. I really wish when I was younger I'd of understood how bad the media and many people would make larger people out to be. I'd of never eaten seconds or that extra bit of cake. I'd love to be able to walk into a normal store with 'normal' sizes and buy 'normal' clothes. I'd do anything to turn back the clocks and exercise more and enjoy P.E in school. 

6. They are not worth your time!
I'm still in contact with 90% of the people I went to school with but I wouldn't say for a second that any of them are 'friends' they are more 'people I went to school with' I wouldn't say I came into my own till college last year and the start of university where I'd say I've met my friends for life! I'd love to say to younger me 'don't be upset that you've fallen out, she isn't a true friend anyway!'

7. You'll go to university one day!

If you had told me this even two years ago I'd of said you were lying. I left school in year 10 with no GCSEs I went to beauty school and after two years I moved to travel and tourism which was my true passion and even with my biggest passion in life I struggled. I am not an academic person. I hate classrooms, I hate assignments and I hate learning. I am still shocked I am getting into debt over something academic! I've always disliked school. 

8. Save a little more money
I am amazing at saving but saving a little more can never harm you! I love money and if I had saved that little bit more maybe I wouldn't have needed student loans. I could have paid for my first two years in cash!  

What would you say to your younger self? 
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  1. This is such a lovely post I feel you on university, I feel the same but am trying and its getting easier. I would have told myself so much 2. your hair was lovely I was always attacking my hair gel one day I think my life changed when it was hot and the gel was reacting i'll spare you the details lol. Great post back to work now.

    1. Thank you!
      Oh my! I am so glad I've never used hair gel haha

  2. You are absolutely gorgeous! I guess the thing that I'll tell my younger self is that it's okay to seek help and that a boy is just a boy.

    Gig love,

  3. Don't ever think otherwise! :D Everyone is pretty in their own way. I believe the one thing I would tell my younger self is well stick to your opinions and not be afraid of voicing them out. :)

    Gig love,
    Siew Hui

  4. Agreed!! Those are some things I surely would tell my younger self.

    New Post Up - xoxo Chaicy - Style..A Pastiche!


  5. Ohhh~ so, so true!! I also had to tell some of these things my younger self, haha :D Especially the hair thing and to save money!

    gig love <3

  6. When I was studying, I couldn't help to tell myself.. "I hate school. I can't wait to have a job!" Then, I realized it is much fun to gain knowledge and to learn new things because it could help me to have a better life and a better future.. Stay strong and always pray :)

    - from gig

    1. I love this! I always wanted to grow up quicker.

  7. I agree with every thing you said. I was very similar when I was young especially the point you make about the make-up and hair!

  8. Oh my yes I'm so gotta agree with you! But now isn't too late also :)

  9. Great advices! I agree with you in all of them!
    gig love
    Travel and Fashion Tips

  10. I love the advices for your younger self. :) I'm really glad that you feel better now. :)

  11. such a lovely post and so inspiration...agree with a lot of them

  12. If I can go to my past, I will say, stop eating!!! and please study hard so you can go oversea to continue study .Maybe I will change my course from Finance to BEauty related .Gig love

  13. I love this post! Such a great concept and I really liked your thoughtful responses. We learn so much over the years, this is a wonderful exercise.

  14. This was an absolute pleasure to read! Isn't it amazing what we would tell ourselves. I think for me I would say stay strong and don't be afraid to do what you want. Time is precious! GIG

  15. thanks for sharing ,i just graduate from high school and i was planning to study abroad so i have to save money ^^

  16. Love the post! Goodness knows I could have saved myself a lot of trouble if I could just tell my younger self to study harder! I played around too much in school :(

  17. now that is something i can relate to. I'm still messing with my hair phase and need to break out of it at some point haha

  18. I'd tell my younger self not to wait for achiving your dreams, beecause time flies very fast.

  19. What a great advice. And great idea of reflecting to our past. I should do this kind of post.

    GIG Love,
