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Wednesday 15 October 2014

Morocco day 7

Day Seven

I got home this morning and it was such a long day yesterday. We woke up around 9:30am and had a shower and got ready, I was still ill which took me longer to finish packing we had to leave the room for 11am. After checking out and leaving our luggage in the luggage room I went to get my hair done which cost me 80dh (£7.28) mum & I then had some lunch before walking around town looking for some last minute gifts and handbags. Mum ended up getting herself a bag and I still had 200dh left. I was going to waste it on a ChloĆ© bag I didn't really want but I'm glad I never. We then when back and sunbathed for a little while before our transfer came at 5pm. We got to the airport and was super hunger so with my last 200dh (£14.55) I picked up a kebab, chips and three drinks for mum and I. 

The flight was awful, loads of turbulence as we went over France. It was so bad I even read the safety booklet as I was sat at the emergency exit door. I tried to sleep through it as we had less than an hour to go but it honest did scare me.  
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