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Friday 12 December 2014

Port El Kantaoui days 1, 2 & 3

So I've been in Port El Kantaoui, Tunisia for four days now and thought it was about time I blogged about it. Port El Kantaoui is 10 km north of Sousse in central Tunisia, so far I've realised it is a lot quieter than Sousse and feels a lot safer. 

Day 1  
Day 1 was pretty much just traveling, I woke up at 10:30am for work on Tuesday then didn't sleep until just after midnight on Thursday! I was lucky to have a 30 min snooze on the plane but other than that I didn't sleep. Our flight was at 7am on Wednesday but was delayed and we left 7:40, the flight was quicker than expected and we arrived around around 11:15 am (10:15 am uk time) we got on our coach transfer and got to the hotel within 40 minutes. We were greeted at the hotel with a complimentary cocktail, given our all-inclusive wristband and told we had to eat lunch before we got our room, being moody with a lack of sleep we asked for our room first and were lucky to get it. 

Lunch wasn't amazing but I would have eaten anything at this point. After lunch we went for a walk around the hotel and down to the beach before going back to the room where we unpacked and showered before watching a movie on the TV via my laptop. After the film it was dinner time, which we thought was 6:45pm but is in fact 6pm - 7:15 for us, after dinner we had a few cocktails and drinks while playing Black Jack. We got back to the room around 10:30pm and watched Purge: Anarchy before going to bed little after midnight.

Day 2 
Woke up about 10:30am and it was the best sleep I had had in a very long time other than the fact I was freezing half the night. I had missed breakfast but really needed the sleep. After getting ready I made it downstairs about 11:45 where the cocktails and drinks flowed once again, we waited around for lunch which started at 12:30, lunch was the best food I've had so far. I can't get enough of their chips and their ham burger was... Grilled ham, made me laugh, I can only assume the chef thinks a ham burger is made of ham, rather than beef. After lunch we got a taxi to the Medina where we did a little shopping, we arranged for the taxi driver to pick us up two hours later but was only there an hour because it was so horrible. 
So many bags to choose from!
I am a girl who has been to Turkey 4 times and Morocco twice. I know how to bargain with the locals and I 100% know first hand how sexual and lets just say pervy the men can be but it was horrible! The worst experience I have ever had. While one shop keeper was stopping mum for leaving the stand his friend was telling me "I love you baby, come here baby, baby come here" that may sound non-harmful to you as you read this but it was the way he said it, the way he looked at me and the fact I already felt uneasy. It felt like I was a piece of meat and he was a hungry dog. I can't remember what else he said to be but I felt a little abused so mum and I rushed off and went to a fixed price shop where I then picked up a few gifts for my friends at uni. 

It was a little chilly, had to put a jumper on
It started to rain as we jumped into a taxi back to the hotel, I ran up to the room put my bags down and went back down to play snooker, drink a few drinks and see our rep as we missed her in the morning. It was about dinner time then and off we went for a Spanish night. I was in my element as I saw the most beautiful seafood paella. I fell in love with paella when I was in Ibiza and couldn't wait to try some. I was a little disapointed but you always are when you have such high expectations of something. But I was happy with my chips and ice-cream (not together of course). We then had a few more drinks at the bar before I headed up to the room to have a shower and watch a movie online before I went to bed. 

Day 3 

Woke up in time for breakfast this morning, only just because I woke up at 9:10 and rushed around to have a quick wash and got dressed, breakfast was pretty good. I had a donut with Nutella and a pancake. After breakfast we went back to the room so I could wash and change into what I’d be wearing for the day. We decided to go shopping near the hotel. I only ended up picking up a 1 dinar fridge magnet as I’ve not found a bag or purse that I really like or if I do they are expensive because I have such good taste. haha
Sign outside a shop, I wonder how accurate it is

After shopping we can back to the hotel for lunch before getting changed and heading to the pool, the outside pool was like ice water so we wanted up going in the headed pool inside before coming out to sunbathe and all the sun had gone! I then ended up going back to the room for a shower, listened to some tunes and went to dinner. After dinner I had a few cocktails and vodka/cokes and now I am waiting for the hotel entertainment for the night. 
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