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Sunday 15 March 2015

Fitness Challenge: 1

Last Sunday I set my first fitness challenge of 2015. My challenge was to have at least 20 active minutes a day on my FitBit. I read that doing 20 minutes a day is a great starting point to help keep yourself fit and healthy. This is going to be a regular segment on my blog now and I'm excited to get fitter, healthier and lose some weight.

My first challenge started on Monday 9th March and ended today 15th March.

{Data from my FitBit}
I am super happy that I was able to reach my daily target. Some days were easier than others but I'm glad every day I did a lot more than the minimal 20 minutes. I'd walk more, I went to the gym one of the days and did some weights.

{Data from my FitBit}
These are my steps for the week, I'm pretty impressed that only met my targets all week apart from Friday (13th). It was a pretty bad day for me overall. I had an assignment due at university and the day just went bad to worse, I understood why it was Friday 13th that day! I'm unsure why my active minutes are so high for Friday 13th. I think maybe because when I was active I was running around like a headless chicken!
Of course today isn't over, it has barely started and already I've done 5432 steps and 20 active minutes. I just went shopping and walk about while picking some things up for dinner.

Have you recently set yourself any fitness challenges? 
Do You have a challenge for me to take next week?
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  1. Well done and keep up the good work :-) It's always fun to have a challenge to stick to.

    Helen - #ukbloggers

  2. I really want a Fitbit. I've been doing the juice plus diet and really doing loads of exercise

  3. It hard for me to hit 5k steps because I am at home most of the time, but I do this workout called T25 daily - this forces me to move actively for 25 minutes :D

  4. I've not set myself these kind of challeneges as I know I'd fail pretty soon :p but congrats on keeping up with the challenge:D x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  5. I have set very many fitness goals lately. I should though.

  6. Good for you that you met all your target, keep up the good work.

  7. well done dear... 5k steps in a day... great job!

  8. It's a really great thing that you reached your target. :) Keep up the good work.

  9. well done.. I need to step up my commitment to getting fit.. thanks for sharing x


  10. That's so good that you started a fitness challenge, I need to get my self to exercise too! =)

  11. Wow!! That's a great app to track your fitness ! I'll surely try it out soon.

    GIG Love

  12. you have been done so great!
    good job girl, keep it up :D

  13. Well done and best of luck for next. I really need to start mine soon, don't know for how long I was just planning.. sigh, lazy me!

    GIG Love,

  14. congratulations! you've done a really good thing to your body :D
    Pudding Monster

  15. oh wow, great job! I'm not sure how many steps i walk during the days as I'm at work most of the time lol intrigued now

  16. i cant for the life of me keep up w my fitness goals. It's very hard. So proud of.what you've achieved

  17. wow u r so healthy and determined!!!great job dear

  18. Thats some fitness companion I would love. Well Done girl, way to a fitter you.
    - Heena, http://www.icynosure.in/

  19. Wow... congratz!!! But i think you will still continue although challenge end. It is good for health..

  20. Kudos to your determination, I could never do that :( Feel inspired to get fit again

