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Wednesday 27 May 2015

48 hours in Berlin

First picture taken in Berlin, was amazed they know Big Sean
I'm so upset writing this post, because I actually miss Berlin a lot already! Although I had an amazing time and packed in so much I feel like my time was incomplete as I didn't do everything I wanted! 

Day One
Day one started at 2am for me, I jumped in a taxi to Victoria Coach Station to get a National Express coach to London Stanstead Airport. I had never been to Stanstead before and I'm not a fan of airports other than Gatwick. I got the 3am coach and if I can remember correctly I got to Stanstead at 4:30am, this was far too early as I didn't actually have hold luggage, which I normally do, I didn't realise you can get to the airport like 45 minutes - an hour before your flight if you've only got hand luggage. I got a Burger King breakfast and sat down doing Sudoku and cross word puzzles before heading to my first ever Ryan Air flight. I was a little gutted to be flying Air Explore on behalf of Ryan Air because I really wanted to test Ryan Air out so I know for future trips. My flight left on time at 6:30am and we actually landed 30 minutes before the scheduled time. I slept the whole flight and woke up when we landed thinking we had crashed so I can't comment on the flight but for me it wasn't long enough, I needed more sleep! 
Arriving at little past 9am and knowing I can't check in to my hostel before 3pm I decided I'd take the longest route to the hostel and go via checkpoint Charlie and the Berlin Wall. I went to the tourism information at the airport and the lovely lady told me there was in fact a tube strike and gave me a map of how to get to Berlin wall then from check point Charlie how to get to Alexanderplatz where I'd be staying. I had to get a bus to Rudow before getting the underground to Yorckstr before getting the s-bah (which was on strike) to Anhalter Bhf. The whole journey wouldn't have taken that long if I didn't have to wait 17 minutes to go on stop on the s-bah. I got off at Anhalter Bhf and walked to ask at first a bus driver then second a taxi driver how to get to the Berlin Wall. Both times I was greeted a confused face like I had just asked directions to the North Pole. I was a little naive to think that the Berlin Wall is called 'Berlin Wall' in Berlin, but I'm still unsure what they call it so I asked for Check point Charlie and just happened to come across the wall before getting to Check point Charlie. 

After having a little read, enjoying some selfies and taking in how historical and beautifully devastating one place and be I was feeling a little peckish, while in Berlin you can't not try a Currywurst! It was my first ever currywurst and I wasn't sure what to expect but for €2.50 I couldn't moan. 

After my Currywurst it was time to head to Checkpoint Charlie. I hadn't actually heard much about Checkpoint Charlie but it was fun to go and see and get a selfie with the guards, I later (day two) on my hop-on hop-off tour found out more about Checkpoint Charlie. 

After looking around for a while, going in local shops and the small museum I decided to head towards my hotel. I got to Alexanderplatz and the first thing I spotted was PRIMARK! I'm sure anyone who reads my blog knows I'm a Primark addict. After walking around Primark I wanted to head to the hostel, but the only directions I had were directions I got when I had wifi back in England and turns out they were from the wrong direction. I was walking around for a good 30 minutes and I asked FOUR taxi drivers, all telling me I can walk and refused to take me, now if I was in London a taxi driver wouldn't care if he was taking me 2 seconds up the road, he is making a quick £5! I finally got a taxi driver to take me and turns out I had walked near the hotel twice but didn't go the whole way, it cost me 5 to get there
I was allowed to check in early and after checking in I noticed I had the whole 6 bed-dorm to myself so freshened up, called my mum and got a taxi to Madame Tussaud's, I've got loads to say about Madame Tussaud's so you'll have to wait until tomorrow and see what I have to say, after Madame Tussaud's I accidentally stumbled upon Brandenburg Gate. I was feeling super tired by this point so just took a few snaps and would go back tomorrow to fully appreciate it. I jumped on the 100 bus, went back to the hostel attempted to sleep for a few hours but never so sat downstairs until 9pm before getting a bus to find some dinner and see some more sights. I got back around midnight to see I was now sharing my room with a guy, I was a little taken back thinking it wasn't a shared dorm room but went to bed before waking up at 8:30am to him leaving. 
Day Two
After waking up at 8:30am I got ready and headed downstairs for breakfast, I was a little annoyed to pay €5.90 for some cold hams and bread that you can't even toast, I was too hungry to moan or go looking. I asked reception what was the best route to the Jewish Museum and how I'd get to the East Side Gallery from the museum, it was all pretty easy and once you got to know the routes it was just like London Underground. I got a little lost from the station to the Jewish Museum but once I was there I was lucky to only pay €3 to get in being a student and €3 for my audio guide. I loved the Jewish museum and everything about it. The Holocaust Tower freaked me out, it was freezing cold and you're in darkness other than a tiny hole of light at the top, the pillars in The Garden of Exile made you feel on edge the "Fallen Leaves" (faces in picture below) made me think about life so much. The museum just made me appreciate the fact I live in a country where I can afford to travel where I want when I want and I am allowed to be who I am and do what I want without people stopping me!

My wish on the pomegranate tree
The Garden of Exile
After the museum I headed towards the East Side Gallery, by this point my selfie stick decided it would be fun to take 100 pictures a second to annoy me and start recording but now allow me to end them. Other than the annoyance of my selfie stick I was excited to be at the East Side Gallery. There was so many amazing art works with so much meaning behind them - but so many fools had ruined the art work with their own graffiti, I really don't care if you love Justin Bieber or your current boyfriend/girlfriend, it has made so many meaningful art work look awful. 

After the East Side Gallery I headed to Primark bought a new t-shirt before getting on a hop-on hop-off tour around Berlin, I got to hear so many facts, only down side was I could have done the route for free on the 100 bus! I actually got the 100 bus after I got off the tour to re-see a few things. I went to see the holocaust memorial before having dinner and going to Lustgarten. Lustgarten was the last on my sightseeing tour on Berlin as everything else that I wanted to see (Anne Frank, Zoo, Aquariam) was now closed. I got back to the hostel pretty late and just said there talking to others, drinking beer and using the WiFi before I packed up and got ready for bed as I had an early start and a long day ahead.

Day Three
Day three was spent travelling, which is a total shame. I wish I could have got a later flight home. I woke up around 9am got washed, ready and packed and left my hostel at 10am, I then walked to Alexanderplatz where I got a chicken breast subway for my flight and a mango iced-tea from Dunkin' Donuts. I was lucky the strike was off now and I could get the s-bah towards the airport which only took about 45 minutes. The airport was pretty small and unfortunately my flight was delayed by half and hour but we landed nearly on time, I took the train from Gatwick back to London Bridge and I was happy to be home and back to my own bed. 

Sad to be going

So this is how I spent 48(ish) hours in Berlin.

Have you been to Berlin before? 


  1. We visited the garden of exile when we visited too. I had never heard of it before, but it still sits in my mind how sombre it is, so close to the hustle and bustle of German life. We went for 5 days I think and still didn't do it all. Some lovely photos. PS Ryan air isn't that great, ;-)

    1. I've always heard mixed messages about them but I love EasyJet so I'd love to try Ryan Air, they're so cheap.

  2. Wow you managed to do so much! I would love to visit Berlin one day. x

  3. I will have to add Berlin onto my travel bucket list, it looks like you had a great time!

  4. I have never been to Berlin before, but it's one of the places that I have on my bucket list xx

  5. I really love Berlin. I have been twice now and still haven't seen enough. Great post.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. omg the place looks amazing but also sad at the same time.

  8. what a cool place to visit and having holiday.
    im so jealous you have been there :')

  9. I'm glad that you had a great time. :) I love the photos.

  10. That's so cool that you get to go to Berlin! You sure had fun! =D

  11. HOw I wish I could go to Berlin someday!~ Fabulous place to visit!

  12. the weather looks really nice. Berlin is definitely in my bucket list now!

  13. Berlin is on my travel wish list, it's just finding the time at the moment. These pictures are fab, thank you for sharing your time with us :) x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  14. you did quite a lot in just 48 hours but i know it wasn't enough for you! the place looks amazing!

  15. I can't believe thats your hostel. it seems like a kings palace! you're a damn lucky girl :)

    do drop by... GreenStory
    Join me on Facebook

  16. Berlin is on mt Must Travel List and with this sneak peak, I cant wait to get going.
    - Heena, http://www.icynosure.in

  17. this makes me miss berlin! ive visited all of the places you went. i want to go again as there were places i didnt have time to go and see :(

  18. My husband loved Berlin. And Germany in general! It's definitely on my list for travel in the future. :)

  19. Wow!! I have been wanting to visit the Berlin wall infact! But you did cover a lot of Berlin in just 48 hours.
    Lovely pics

    New Post - Style..A Pastiche!

  20. I haven't visited Berlin before but it looks fun :)
    However the faces look a bit creepy for me ^^;v
    Thanks for sharing <3

