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Thursday 21 May 2015

Interview Week: Day 3 - Twentea Something

Day three of interview week and I'd like to introduce Twentea Something

Laura is 22 years old from Chester, England and blogs at 'Twentea Something'

1. Tell us a little about yourself, what do you enjoy about life?
My name is Laura, I'm a recent graduate living in Chester and originally from Bournemouth- I have seven siblings I am currently planning my December wedding to the wonderful, Andy. I love watching netflix, eating out, wine and obviously.. tea! I'm also a Christian. 

2. Why did you choose your blog name?
I am friends with a lot of "twenty something" bloggers and wanted to reflect that in my blog name, but I am also a tea addict (nectar of the Gods!) and one night the name  "Twentea Something" to me!

3. How long have you been blogging and why did you start?
I've actually been blogging on and off for over four years. I first started blogging when I started my gap year and wanted to keep a record of what I was up to and share my news with friends & family. I then started a person blog 4 years ago last week and it stemmed from there. I was a begrudging blogger until this time last year when I did: "Blog Everyday in May" and then I re branded to Twentea Something in August/September 2014.  

4. What is your blog niche or what topics do you cover and why?
I guess it's a lifestyle blog!! I write about anything and everything!! Currently I write about places we visit, tea shop reviews, wedding planning, slimming world. Whatever takes my fancy really! I also try to regularly feature bloggers on "Blog Chat Tuesday" so look out for Charlene in a few weeks!  

5. What do you find most challenging about blogging about your topic?
It''s SOOOO time consuming. I sit in front of a computer all day at work and really struggle to come back and write a post or two. There is nothing more satisfying then scheduling a good few posts at the start of the week! 

6. What would your advice be to newbie bloggers?
Make sure you're in it for the right reason- blogging is not a sure fire/quick way of making money!! and write about something your passionate about. Oh! and network. Blogging friends are great friends.

7. What do you love most about where you live?
Where to start? Chester is such a beautiful, quirky little city and is close enough to Liverpool or Manchester to get a big city vibe!

8. Three beauty items you can’t live without
Oh... I'm really not a make up junkie and I have such a lack of beauty routine. But I guess: hair conditioner, red lipstick and Benefit's PoreFressional.

9. How do you keep coming up with content for your blog?It helps when you write about your life I think, because I like to think I do interesting thing. Plus with moving house and getting married this year I have a LOT to talk about. Otherwise, inspired by brands I want to work with and blogs I read. 

10. What is your favourite and least favourite post that you've done and why?I have to say our engagement announcement post was my favourite. I don't want to brag but I'm quite proud of all my posts! Butttttt, maybe some of my really early posts, like this one which needs deleting or fixing. I keep telling myself that I'll sort out old posts sometime! Bed Rest.

11. Have you got anything to say to new potential readers?
I would love you to come and have a read of Twentea Something, and please get in touch on twitter (@twenteasblog) for a good natter, the kettle is always on!! How do you take yours?
and thanks to Charlene!!!!

Don't forget to add Laura on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest


  1. I like these interviews, it's great to see what other bloggers are saying x

  2. great post! this is an amazing way to meet others!


