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Tuesday 16 June 2015

Anti Bucket List

My bucket list is a major feature on my blog at the moment as I have 21 things I'd like to do before my 22nd birthday in September as well as an overall 30 things I'd like to do before I turn 30. But I decided with my bucket list comes an anti-bucket list. Which is a list of things I never want to do before I turn 30 or before I die. A few of these things you'd find on any 'normal' person's bucket list, but not mine. You can stay away from my bucket list you horrid things!

Anti-Bucket List
All the things I don't intend on doing

1. Learning to ski/ go skiing (I hate snow!)
2. Being a morning person (Don't wake me before 11am)
3. Going in a hot air balloon (What if I can't get down?)
4. Climbing a mountain (I'm far too lazy, I can live without it)
5. Bungee jumping (too scared the rope will break)
6. Learning to ride a motorbike (I've been on one, no fun at all)
7. Moving permanently to a country that doesn't have English as their first language (I can't barely speak English, I couldn't imagine needing to know a different language to survive) 
8. Taking hard drugs (ain't nobody got time for that)
9. Wearing  Crocs (they're just so ugly!)
10. Going to prison (I'm a good girl)
11. Be a size 8 (This is far too slim for my build. I'm pretty happy at a size 12/14)
12. Read 50 Shades of Grey (I'm proud to say I've never read the books nor do I intend too)
13. Live near the sea (This would bug me, the seagulls, the noise, everything)
14. Get a tan tattoo (They're silly!)
15. Become a vegetarian (I love bacon so much!)
16. Backpack in Europe (It's too close to home, I might as well see Europe in style, I'd only backpack in Asia)
17. Become famous (I like my privacy too much)
18. Camping for anything other than a festival (I hate to camp, I get no joy from it so thanks but no thanks!)
20. Smash cake/a pie in someone face (what a waste of pie/cake!)
21. Sleep in a blanket fort (I'm not 4 anymore, I've grown up)

What is something you'd never want to do in your life?  


  1. hahaha! I love this! What a great list! The main reason I am not a vegetarian is because of bacon! lol

    1. haha, I love it so much. Bacon and chicken. x

  2. Totally agree with your comment about crocs, they are ugly. I always say to myself i'd love to see if I can go a week or two as a vegetarian but I love chicken way too much! x

  3. You had me at crocs! Ugliest shoes ever, so with you on that one. Skiing too tbh.


  4. This is brilliant, think I might have to borrow the idea if you don't mind?! I love it!

  5. This is a great post! I live near the sea and the seagulls are soo annoying but it's something I've gotten used to! My other half wants me to go skiing and I am so against it! xo


    1. That's true, after a while it becomes normal but for me I like the fact it is a novelty and exciting to go to the seaside for the day/weekend. x

  6. Haha! This is brilliant, I am with you on so many of these! Great post x

  7. Great idea for a post. I live near the sea and whilst the seagulls are annoying but you get used to them! xo


  8. Ha ha! Love this post, good twist on a bucket list! tbh I haven't thought about what I don't want to do x

  9. Ive never heard of a tan tattoo before! Crazy. I hate crocs too, but the seaside? really? I miss being so close to the beach, but hey I don't miss the tourists or the traffic when it gets above 18'C great list.

  10. Love this lol. I could NEVER bungee jump or sky dive - I hate heights, and flying!

  11. This list really made me chuckle. I'd love to learn how to ski it's just so expensive.

    Katie x


  12. Haha I like this idea. I agree with a lot of yours - especially bungee jumping! Eeeek.

  13. oh my god this is such an awesome post! I've seen so many variations of a standard "bucket list" but this is definitely the best one I've seen! I think something I would NEVER do is either hold a tarantula or go to a bee/wasp farm! Horrible animals!!!
    Lauren // OhHay Blogs!

  14. 7, 14, 17, 20 for me too! Enjoyed reading your post!

  15. No I'm definitely not up for skiing either. I like my holidays hot. I wouldn't mountain climb either seems like a lot of hard, dangerous work lol. Nice anti-bucket list lol

  16. Definitely wouldnt bungee jump either, like that does not look fun to me!! I'd also do Europe in style, may as well when it's so close! x

    Jasmin Charlotte

  17. haha this qas quite an interesting post to read, and some of them gave me a giggle because I wouldn't do the same haha:p I've never heard of tan tattoos though:p I got to say I love snow, especially when it's fresh, black ice/slush is horrible though:p x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  18. what a creative idea - anti bucket list hahaha.
    I wouldn't want to be a morning person too :P

  19. wow too many list on your bucket.
    the point number 10 is absolutely agree with you!
    we are a good girl :p

  20. Haha such a cute post! Same I wouldn't want to go into prison! I'm a good girl =)

  21. Hmm. Babe, how old are you? I have to share that point 1 was something I told myself like 10 years ago. Guess What - I just started learning last year and actually am enjoying it so far.... Life's like that 😄

  22. Ahaa!! That's coll! Now I guess I should have an anti-bucket list too! But my list will be too long I guess :) LOL

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  23. I'd love to live near sea and I'd like to backpack in Europe. they are not on my bucket list though. On your anti-bucket list, I agree with 8, 10, 14. -katrina centeno

  24. Haha we have some what s similar anti bucket list dear. It was so much fun reading this post. =p

  25. ha ha such a fun post! There is so many in your list that I want to do actually and my yes list is that big that I can really think of anti 'anti' list...phew!

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  26. You are young, so maybe you will change your mind about some of the really cool things, like climbing a mountain and skiing. :)

  27. haha this was a great post to read! bungee jumping is something on my to do list but i have that same fear as you
