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Sunday 21 June 2015

My Illustration by Murder of Goths

Yesterday I had a super long, boring day at work and I was feeling so down. My feet were killing, I dropped shoes and a metal bar on my head, lost my locker keys and so many customers were testing my patience. When I got out of work I switched my phone on and done the normal rounds of checking messages, email, Facebook, Twitter and then Instagram. I noticed I had loads of likes, follows AND I had been tagged in a post... It always worries me when I'm tagged in a post, some of my friends upload some very unflattering pictures then I noticed it was the lovely Murder of Goths who had tagged me. If you remember back to my interview week Murder of Goths was interviewed on day five and you can read it here

MoG tagged me in this amazing picture above. She made an illustration of me! I love it so much and I'm so thankful that she took time out of her day to make me one. If you'd like an illustration like mine MoG does them on her Etsy from £15.


  1. That is gorgeous, I've seen a few of her illustrations before and she really is amazing x

  2. she is so talented! it looks so good!



  3. That's ace - I'm an illustrator too. Love it! love her work x

  4. That is such a great drawing, I wish I could draw or illustrate but I can't even draw a stick man ha x

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your day at work, hope your head is feeling better. Lovely illustration by the way! x
