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Thursday 6 August 2015

60 Blog Post Ideas

When you're lacking passion for blogging or just in a writers block it can be hard to think of ideas to write about. I got writers block often when I'm super busy with work and university, I struggle to schedule posts or think of what to write about next that will keep your readers engaged while you come up with some new cutting-edge ideas. With this being said I thought I'd share a list of blog posts ideas that could help you when you're struggling or super busy.

All blogs:
1. Review something - Review a product you've just bought and let everyone know what you love and don't love about it or review a film/book you've recently seen/read. Be honest. 
2. Tag session - Find a tag and answer some questions, ask bloggers on FB & Twitter if they're like to be tagged in the post.
3. Wish list - Show of what you're craving this month, from what's on trend of your favourite store.
4. Run a competition - These are an amazing way to get traffic to your blog and gain some loyal followers.
5. Interviews - Conduct an interview with a blogger or brand. Ask some questions so your readers can get to know them a little better. 
6. Hauls - Show of what you've bought recently.
7. 10 things about me - Tell your readers 10 (or more) things about you that they don't already know.
8. A guide to - Write a guide to something 
9. Vlog - Start doing video blogs and post them on your blog with a write up. 
10. Linky - Do a link up with other bloggers.
11. FAQ - Write a post of frequently asked questions.
12. Your blogging kit - Show your readers what you use while blogging, from camera(s) and lighting to what gives you inspiration. 
13: Current trend - Find a current trend in your niche and share your opinions on it.
14. Guest posters - Find a blogger of the same niche and ask them to guest post for you.
15. Day in the life - Show your readers what it is like to live your life for one day.
16. Instagram round up - What have you posted on Instagram this week? 
17. Blog goals - Tell everyone your goals from blogging.
18. Favourites - Tell everyone your favourite bloggers, Youtubers, Instagrammers.
19. Bucket list - Things you want to do before you die, get married, have children...
20. How to run - Write how to run a successful (your niche) blog.

21. Empties - What have you finished using this month? 
22. NOTD - Show off your nails.
23. FOTD: Show your face of the day.
24. Make over - Do a before and after post. 
25. Storage -  Show how you store your make-up and beauty products.
26. Favourites - Show off all your favourite beauty products.
27. Dupes - Show a cheaper brand/product that is just as soon as a high-end product.
28. What's in your bag - Show what is in your make-up bag.
29. Morning/Evening routines - This can be two posts or one, show your routine.
30. Seasonal hair/beauty - Show your seasonal hair and beauty tips and looks (separate posts).

31. OOTD - What are you wearing today?
32. My closet - Show off what is in your closet and how you store your clothes
33. Recent purchase - Show what you recently bought.
34. Trends - Say what you love/dislike about current fashion trends
35. A fashion mishap - Show or tell your readers about a fashion mishap.
36. What you'd wear - Show what you'd wear to the gym, birthday party, special occasion, to bed (separate posts). 
37. Celebrity look - Replicate a celebrities look using high-street brands.
38. Style for less - How you style for less.
39. Savvy shopping - Show how savvy you are when shopping.
40. Customisation - How you'd customise your outfits.

Lifestyle &/Or Parenting:
41. WIHM - Show off what you've made recently, could be anything crafty.
42. Babies OOTD - Show off what your little one is wearing.
43. Q&A - If they're old enough ask your child some random questions and see what they say.
44. How-to / tutorial - Show your readers how to do something or a tutorial on something.
45. Letters - Write a letter to your unborn baby or a letter for when your child/children grow up.
46. Room tour - Show off your room or where you write your blog from.
47. Recipes - Show off some of your cooking skills. 
48. Family photos - Show us your beautiful family.
49. Balancing - How you balance life/work/children/family.
50. Interests/Hobbies - Tell your readers about your interests and hobbies.

51. A recent holiday - Show some pictures and explain why a recent holiday was so amazing. 
52. Holiday essentials - What do you have to take on holiday with you? Share. 
53. Holiday tips - Any travel tips you follow. 
54. What's in your bag - Show what is in your travel bag.
55. My city - Do a guide to the city you live in or why you love it so much
56. Restaurant/Theme park/iconic place review - Review somewhere you've been.
57. Favourite travel apps/sites - Show your go-to apps and websites related to travel.
58. Up-coming trip(s) - Write about an up-coming trip and how you're planning for it.
59. Experiences - Write about some experience, good or bad, that you've had abroad.
60. Why you love to travel - Write about how you got the travel bug.

Hope these blog post ideas help you if you're stuck in a rut with blogging, I know I've used many of them in the past to tide me over while I think of posts to write, if all else fails reading other blogs can be a great help. I often seen posts that give me ideas and inspiration.

Do you have any other post ideas?


  1. Love these ideas, I have saved it in my notes xx

    Thank you for sharing!

    Brand & Beauty | www.brandobeauty.uk

  2. Great ideas, I will definitely take some on board especially the giveaway, I'm quite excited to run my first one in the near future


  3. Top tips. Have told my wife to read this website more often!

  4. Great ideas and advice! Really appreciate it.

  5. Some great ideas there! Reviews and tips make good posts.

  6. And where is health and fitness? - Haha just kidding, I could really use some of these Ideas right now!
    Thank you!


    1. OMG, I totally forgot about health and fitness and I've even done a few posts in the past haha. Sorry Amy ;) x

  7. I've been looking for posts like this as I'm trying to get myself organised with a bank of blog post ideas! Thanks!

  8. Saved this for those times when inspiration dries up. A really useful post. I find ideas often come at the least expected times and I keep cryptic notes on my phone that can later be expanded into posts when needed.

  9. That's a brilliant list, may have to do some of those.

  10. What a brilliant post! This is being saved for all of those low inspo days - more blog ideas are always welcome to me!

    Lottie xx


  11. When I struggle sometimes I use pictures to fill the space on my blog - it makes for a nice change I think

  12. Wow there are some really good tips here. I often find reading other blogs gives me loads of ideas.

  13. Great tips you have go there. I sometimes get writer's block but this will certainly help.

  14. Some great blog post ideas here. May have to use some when I get bloggers block!

  15. Great ideas for those who sometimes find it hard to update their blogs.

  16. I usually fall short of blog post ideas so this is a perfect reference when that happens. Thanks for sharing.

    Style..A Pastiche! - Indian Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  17. Wow that's really cool and going to help bloggers for sure! Nicely compiled. I am going to refer these for sure!

  18. Such a great ideas list, will pick some for my upcoming posts.

  19. I've got those you listed in travel sections in my draft already! :) hope to post one by one soon~

  20. Excellent Ideas. Bookmarked!!
    Nowadays I don't feel like blogging about fashion or beauty only. These might be helpful!!

  21. I m glad i found your post today. I will be using some of these for sure.

  22. Thank you so much! I'm stuck for this week's post on what to write and now I know! =)

  23. you write it all down and make it as a summary! this is so great.
    most of all i write is all about FOTD. haha
    nice review :D

  24. Some really great ideas! Will be useful whenever I face the writer's block :)

  25. all of these are awesome ideas! definitely a variety youve got there

  26. Fabulous tips and thank you for categorizing them as well! I'm always on the look out for inspiration to write about on my blog when I'm stuck!

  27. wow! such great idea! im yet to do ant fotd/motd... guess will do soon.

    do drop by... GreenStory

  28. wow thanks for the tips...but my current situation is i have too many idea for my blog but i have no time to write it!lol!

  29. This is an awesome post. I was in the midst of nowhere and now have some inspiration.
    - Heena
    iCynosure Fashion Blog
    iCynosure on G+
    iCynosure on Bloglovin

  30. Good ideas! It's also just good to take a break if you need it to rejuvenate and renew your passion for blogging! To be honest, I used to do reviews but I found it a bit lacking with regards to blog quality... they are kind of boring posts and not what I like to read either. So i'm 50/50 on that, although I still do them sometimes. :)

  31. Brilliant post! Definitley found this helpful and inspiring, thank you x

