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Sunday 6 September 2015

8 Photos of Happiness Tag

Back in August the lovely Rachel from Rachel in Real Life tagged me in the 8 Photos of Happiness Tag. The tag was created my Ariel from Ariel's Little Corner of the Internet and it's been doing the rounds with bloggers so I was more than happy to join in when Rachel asked. 

Thank your nominator/s and link them in your post.
Link the creator (Ariel’s little corner of the internet) 
Post your 8 photos of happiness; the photos can be anything that represents a moment, object, place or feeling that makes you happy.
Pop in a brief description of the photo, why you chose it or let the photos do the talking
Spread the happiness and tag up to ten other bloggers!

Picking just 8 photos is really hard for me, I have so many pictures that put a smile on my face and remind me of all the amazing memories I've had. The photos are in no order, they all have the same level of happiness for me.  

Paul McCartney at 02 2011.
Getting my first set of business cards
Seeing Annie Mac live
My 21st birthday, you can see by my face how drunk I am xD
Ayia Napa: Eventhough this was last month I keep thinking about it, I loved every moment of that holiday
This reminds me how much my confidence has grown over the past 18 months!

This picture reminds me of the first time I travelled alone

Amsterdam 2014: I had an amazing few days with my best friends and the weather didn't bring us down

I'd like to now nominate the following bloggers to share their 8 photos of happiness! 

Leonie from Miss Leonie Wilson
Laura from Inside Laura's Head
Gem from Gem's Country Life Dream

You're also more than welcome to join the tag!


  1. That's some great memories you have there. Travelling alone for the first time can always be a bit scary but you ALWAYS look back at it as quite an achievement to matter where you went.

  2. And I love your hair in the 6th picture! xx

  3. This is a lovely idea for a blog post; it's too easy to forget what we are happy for!

  4. love the picture you've selected. It's such a big deal travelling alone for the first time. And I love the fashion pictures where you say they remind you of how much your confidence has grown. x

  5. What a great tag. And lots of amazing photos - it's always nice to to think about what makes you happy and see things that make others happy =)

  6. Lovely photos and great memories :) I would have struggled to do this, that photo of your confidence is the best out of all of them.

  7. This is such a lovely idea! I love photos and I live happiness! :)

  8. What some great pictures, I love this tag - so many memories being shared. x

  9. Some fabulous memories and lovely photograhs and you look fabulous x

  10. Oh wow, you've been to some fab places. Brilliant photos :)
    I love your business cards too, so colourful and eye-catching xx

  11. I think you have chosen some great photos, I have to admit that I would really struggle x

  12. What precious memories and great fun pictures! I love these kind of posts!

  13. What a lovely tag, great photos and memories. I love your business cards by the way they are awesome.

    1. Thanks, I love them so much, they're really high quality.

  14. Lovely tag, I like the dress you're wearing in the sixth picture

  15. Great memories, and lovely to look back and find happiness in the little things x

  16. Aww! I love this tag, it is so positive!

  17. What a fab tag and great photos, it's lovely to look back on happy times x

  18. I love this tag. I love the photo of you showing how much your confidence has grown! This made me smile.

  19. What lovely photo's with awesome memories attached :)

    Louise x

  20. Oooh great tag - Happy Birthday by the way and love your business cards

    Laura x

  21. It looks like you had a great time and you look very confident and happy in your pictures.
