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Tuesday 15 September 2015

Meet my new friend: Simon Jr

After getting a new fishy back in March {post here} 4 out of 5 of my fish died over a two day period. It was a very sad as one of the fish was an original that I had had for little over a year at the time. I decided to take care of the one fish that survived who was the first fish I got. I made sure my tank was always clean and the perfect living condition for him. Fast forward a few months and I've got a new little friend. He's like a mini Simon so he's called Simon Jr.
Simon and Simon Jr were a little weary of each other at first but after a few days they've become the best of friends. I'm not actually sure of the sex of the new fish but I hope it isn't the opposite sex, when I had a mix of both in my tank they'd chase each other and annoy each other all the time, it was getting annoying as the tank is next to my bed.
I love having fishes, they're great to watch and you don't need to walk them, I just clean them out every 10 days, feed them twice a day and watch them when I need to relax. 

Do you have fish?


  1. Fish are so calming to watch aren't they, I'm sure they will become the best of friends. x

  2. I love fish!!! My friends have a massive tank but their fishes keep eating each other, kinda gross, I think I would stick to just a few of the same species lol

    I never considered the sex of a fish before can you ever tell?? Would Simon and Simon jr have babies if they are opposite sex??

    Sunny regards,
    Georgee x
