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Saturday 26 September 2015

My Iceland Adventure: Days 1 - 4

I got back from Iceland yesterday and I had an amazing time, I enjoyed every moment of it and it was a trip to remember! I did so many different things and have loads to write about so I thought instead of one super long post with loads of pictures I'd spread My Iceland Adventure over 3 posts which will be over a few days as tomorrow is my birthday and I know I won't want to blog, the posts will be days 1-4, days 5-8 and finally days 9 - 11. 

Days 1 - 4 

Day 1 (Monday 14th):

Monday was my first official day, I woke up early and ran some errands before heading to London Bridge to catch my train to Gatwick Airport. I was leaving from Gatwick North so I had to get the little shuttle too. I was flying Easyjet and as always there was a massive queue with the bag drop. I got through and of course I headed to Duty Free to pick up my 2L of vodka for £22. I then went for something to eat and checked the boards, by this time my flight details should have been up and they weren't my flight was due to leave in 30 minutes. They didn't actually say what gate we were in until after our flight should have left and it went from what gate we need to go to to 'last call' within seconds. I wasn't impressed but off I trotted after what honestly felt like a 10 hour flight I landed in Iceland and got on the flybus+ to my hostel. I was staying on the main shopping street Laugavegur for the first 5 days then in a hotel with my own room for the last 5 days in Downtown Reykjavik. Once I got to my hostel I unpacked a few things and headed out to explore before coming back to the hostel for dinner and heading to the room to meet a few of my room mates.  

Day 2 (Tuesday 15th): 
I woke up little before 9am and went for a shower and got ready, I had no real plans for the day other than to see as much as I could. I started off by saying bye to my roommates who were leaving to go up north and I went for breakfast. I opted for a ham & cheese grilled sandwich with a mango tea which randomly came with a bag of crisps. After breakfast I walked left and went into a few shops. I picked up some gloves for 300kr which is about £1.50 and carried on walking when I came to the beautiful gay pride flag on the floor and spotted Hallgrimskirkja, which is the tallest church in Iceland. 

After the going up to the top of the church to see the breathtaking views I went to eat some fermented shark in a local cafe, I honestly wouldn't give it to my worse enemy. When the lady said to me 'don't smell it just eat it' I should have known something was wrong! It tasted like foot and raw, chewy steak.
 I walked back the way I came but carried on walking down towards the harbour where I spotted the hop on hop off bus. Going on the hop-on hop-off bus is always a must when I go on holiday, it allows you to see all of the main attractions. I wasn't too impressed with the Reykjavik tour as there isn't anything amazing on the tour. How the Hilton hotel could be part of the tour I don't know. I went around, got off and went to the Solfar (sun voyager) sculpture and took a few selfies before I hopped back on the bus to Viking Museum. On my way to the Viking Museum I spotted Aurora Reykjavík and popped in, after looking around and changing my camera settings to see if I could photograph the Northern Lights I decided once I got back I'd book my lights tour. The lights were amazing left at 9:30 got back at 1:30am. I was lucky enough to see the lights about 10:45, they were on and off with strength but I was so happy. I was actually more excited about the stars, we don't get many in London!

These are my favourite pictures from the Northern Lights. The pictures are terrible because I wasn't sure what I was doing with my camera but I got better and I have some clearer pictures but these are still my favourite. 
Day 3 (Wednesday 16th): 

I woke up around 10am as I was super tired, had my shower and sat in the room for a little while I didn't actually leave until 11:30am. I felt like I had been awake for weeks and it took me a while to get some motivation to actually move. I booked my golden circle trip for 8am on Friday and just the thought of getting up at 6am was scary at this point, as I said I was super tired. I spoke to an American guy just outside of the hostel, he was really lovely and we spoke about going to the states and things to do as well as giving him tips for when he came to the UK. It was nice to have someone to chat to as my new bunk mates were really boring and didn't chat much. I then went for breakfast at the same coffee shop for my ham & cheese toastie, after I had breakfast I went for a walk and used the last of my hop on hop off. I went to the pearlan, which I am told is the same as London' Big Ben and Paris' Eiffel Tower, it is their iconic attraction. It had some great views of the city and was very peaceful. I had an early night because I know I'd be up early the next day.

Day 4 (Thursday 17th): 
I woke up pretty early, I packed a bag and was at the coffee shop little before 10:30am, I was feeling much better today, although I was still tired I knew I had a relaxing day ahead. I had my regular breakfast and got a text from my friend to meet her a little earlier at the church which is about a 7 minute walk from me. We went to the Blue Lagoon. It was great, although it looks a lot better in pictures it was so relaxing. We put some masks on and chilled out in the water for a couple of hours. 

After the Blue Lagoon we drove around the south coast to Hveragerði which is where the geothermal spa was until the 2008 earthquake, after a few hours  we drove home. My friend was now travelling around Iceland so it was actually the only time I spent with her. I went for something to eat around 9pm, I called my mammabear and then headed back to the hostel. I got back to a super cute note from the boys who were back in my room after their trip up North, their not said to come for drinks. I took my vodka and we chatted, laughted and drank before I headed to bed little after midnight as I knew I'd be up a sillyO'clock the next morning.

I got lots done in the first 4 days, a little too much actually as Reykjavik is only little. I'll be posting about days 5 - 8 on Monday so keep tuned! 
Have you been to Iceland before? What do you think about some of the things I got up to?


  1. Your trip to Iceland looks amazing, this place is definitely on my bucket list! I've been lucky enough to see the northern lights before too, aren't they amazing? I didn't manage to get any decent pictures though so you did well haha xx

  2. I want to go to Iceland! It's on my wish travel list - lovely post and pictures. R

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Actually I laughed at your comment about the fermented shark. It sounds yuck! I'm glad you enjoyed hte view from the church and the Blue Lagoon.

  5. I think the Northern Lights are on most people's bucket lists. I love the photos.

  6. Wow what an amazing looking place, I would love to see the northern lights one day, they look absolutely stunning. x

  7. Looks great - and just love those photos of the Northern Lights. I'm very jealous that you've seen them in person and I haven't! :)

  8. What an amazing experience I would love to visit Iceland to experience the northern lights, can't wait to read your next instalment x

  9. Iceland looks great although it's not the first place Id think of going on a holiday! My housemate raves about it there though x

  10. Your holiday to Iceland looks INCREDIBLE! Even if the pics are blurry, it's the memories you have made and you've seen it with your own eyes, my gosh, I am jealous! Also love the photo of the Pride flag on the floor. Would love this for my driveway, ha!



  11. I'd love to visit Iceland! The Northern Lights and Blue Lagoon are on my list of places to see if I ever travel there!

  12. Oh I am so jealous, if there is one place in the world I want to go, it is Iceland x

  13. Oh wow! I would love to go to Iceland, it looks so fantastic! Your photos are amazing too :)

  14. I adore Iceland, it's so beautiful. I remember getting off the plane and thinking how fresh it all felt and smelt! Your so lucky to see the northern lights- I've tried seeing those pesky lights for years but never managed to! x

  15. It all looks so beautiful! I would love to see the Northern lights one day x

  16. That looks ace! I love the rainbow road and the hot baths! Fab place to be!

  17. Such a great post. It looks amazing. The hot baths, the rainbow street! I'd love to go.

  18. Oh wow, my OH has always wanted to go to Iceland for the Northern Lights but I hadn't realised how much more there is to do! Can't believe how amazing the lights too! I thought that was only in the books! haha x

  19. Iceland looks beyond stunning and glad that you had a good time. I have always wanted to see the Northern Lights and the food looked delicious too. Would you go again and how much did it cost you to go out there?

  20. Oh wow, I would love to see the northern lights - it's on my list of things to do. You have got so many wonderful photos here. Fantastic!

  21. your trip looks like so much fun. i'm desperate to go to iceland, it looks such an amazing place!

  22. Beautiful! But...shark meat?! I know I don't like sharks but no way would I be brave enough to try the meat lol Envious that you got to see the northern lights, that would be a dream come true.

  23. Iceland looks amazing! I've always wanted to see the northern lights. Hopefully it'll happen one of these days, looks like a lot of fun xx

  24. Iceland looks amazing. I've wanted to see the northern lights for as long as I can remember. It seems like a really great place to visit xx

  25. Ah I would LOVE to go to Iceland - hot springs, Northern lights and rainbow roads. What's not to love?

  26. Omg I'm so jelly!! Such a beautiful travel destination and that Northern Lights photos are also my fave! I've never been to Iceland but that's definitely on my list to visit one day with family. :)

  27. Such an amazing and relaxing trip!! I really want to go to Iceland now and especially to Blue Lagoon!!

  28. It looks fantastic. So jealous of you, i would love to visit

  29. Your photos are so beautiful! I've never been to Iceland, but now I really, really want to.

  30. I have never thought if going to Iceland but I would love to see the Northern Lights and am so glad you got to see some! Great post. Kaz x

  31. Wow, what an amazing adventure. I'm so very jealous. I love your pictures of the Northern Lights and can't wait for the rest of the posts

  32. This looks like such a beautiful place to visit. I've never thought of going there but I have always wanted to see the Northern Lights so maybe I will some day. I love their lagoons! x

  33. Soooooooooo jealous! I can't wait to go to Iceland one day. And I'm even more jealous of you seeing the Northern Lights - I've tried to see them twice (Swedish Lapland and Finnish Lapland) and on both occasions the lights never appeared. Boo! x

  34. OMG.. you got to witness the Northern lights.. that's pretty amazing. I really have to visit this place soon enough. Glad you had quite an adventure in Iceland.

    GIG Love - Chaithra

  35. Iceland trip looks amazing, this place is definitely is amazeballs? isn't it amazing? I never heard of this place before but I'd love to go there at least once in my life x

  36. Iceland is definitely on my to go list! I just would love to see the northern lights as it's so incredible! You've taken really incredible photos! Thanks for sharing x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  37. Oh My.. how heavenly the place is! you're one lucky girl... I want to go there...phew!

  38. The photos are beautiful and the Northern Lights look amazing. :)

  39. The images are smily super. Feels like i am actually there.
    - Heena, www.icynosure.in

  40. Wow Iceland is so beautiful. I wish I could visit there one day. That geothermal spa is a must try.

  41. OMGGGG my next country to visit..u can see aura in autumn??beautiful ler....

  42. The food looks really good, looks like you had a fun trip!! Fancy Francy

  43. This is such a beautiful place to visit! This is surely going to be in my bucket list.Thanks for sharing!
