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Tuesday 29 September 2015

My Iceland Adventure: Days 9 - 11

So this is the last post in my My Iceland Adventure series. I had an amazing time in Iceland and I'd love to go back very soon and see more of the country, it's a shame I didn't have the option to go up north and see more of what Iceland have to offer. I'd recommend Iceland to anyone looking to experience something new and exciting but don't stay in Reykjavik for longer than a few days as you see everything in a short amount of time there as it's so small.

Make sure you read days 1 - 4 and days 5 - 8 of My Iceland Adventure before you read on with this post.
Days 9 - 11

Day 9 (Tuesday 22nd): 

I woke up at 10am and was washed, dressed and ready to leave by 11:10am. I headed to the old harbour to get the ferry to Videy Island. It was cold and raining but I feared not knowing the weather constantly changes in Iceland. I got the 11:50 ferry and arrived little after 12. I went to the cafe as I was super hungry and hasn't eaten since 7pm. The prices were ridiculously overpriced so I asked for chips on their own which cost 1000isk which is about £5! I spoke with the waiter who told me there were only 5 of us on the island. 3 of which (including me) came off my ferry! I went to the peace tower, checked out the views but it was raining so hard I headed back. I went the the bathroom and sat back in the cafe and realised I had an hour until my ferry back at 14:30! I sat talking to the waiter, we had a laugh but he was also a little weird and being very suggestive. By this point it was just him and I on the island and I was a little scared with his comments but I'm a London girl and I can take suggestive comments and rise above them and change the conversation but as soon as the ferry was in sight I ran for it. I got back to my hotel little after 3 and chilled out waiting for the rain to stop or at least be a little less heavy.   

Day 10 (Wednesday 23rd):  
Minke Whale
I woke up early on Wednesday because I knew I wanted to go to this lovely restaurant called Apotek that a lady I had met had told me about. It was a hotel and restaurant and pretty posh. Very over priced but she told me how it was in her top 5 meals she had ever had so I had to bite the bullet and try it out. It cost little under 3000kr for a two course lunch meal, which is a mega deal compared to the rest of their menu. I opted for the minke whale for starters and lamb with baked carrots for my main. It was divine, I honestly loved every bite. I had never had whale before so it was nice to try it out. It was cold and for some reason I was expecting it to be hot so the coldness through me a little, which made it harder to stomach. It was lovely, don't get me wrong but any cold meat makes me think about the animal weirdly. I only ate half of my started and along came my main. It was beautiful! Easily the best lamb I had ever ate and the baked carrots were amazing, I've never eaten baked carrots before but they're now on my list of how I'll cook my carrots from now on. I love my food well seasoned and this was perfection.  

After Apotek I went for a wonder around city hall, the lake and the museum and church, I then walked to the tourist information center to buy a return bus ticket and headed towards the zoo. I think I ate too much in the restaurant because I was feeling really full which lead to me feeling tired and irritable. I was a little sad at the zoo, all the animals looked really sad, some even looked dead. I love the idea of the zoo because I'm an animal lover and want to see many animals at the same time but I hate the zoo because the animals looks so sad like they'd rather be in their natural habitat. It was like they were happy to see me because no one ever comes. I know it's winter and it'll be better during summer but it was all a little dead and too quiet. I spent about an hour at the zoo before heading back towards downtown as it was starting to depress me and it started to spit and cloud over.
Looking pretty sad
I thought he was dead until he moved his eye
I went to my room and packed my bags, watched TV and headed out to dinner around 9pm. I just went to a cheap restaurant for some lamb and rice and picked up some apple juice for the room. I finished packing done some Sudoku and then watched more TV and slept.  

Day 11 (Thursday 24th):
Thursday was home time. I had to leave the hotel by 11am even though my pick up was at 4pm so I woke up, finished packing and headed to illy for a pinini before heading up the shopping strip to do some last minute gift buying and use the last of my Icelandic money. I had see Reykjavik had to offer so I wasn't sure what I should it. I finally went to pick up something from the Christmas store, I got a lovely hand painted bauble which cost 1700kr. I then walked around a little more before heading back to the hotel where I sat in reception reading until my transfer came. I got to the airport early and had to wait for check in to open, I wasn't feeling very well by this point and couldn't wait to get on the plane. Once on the plan I was feeling better and decided to read some more and play a few games on my phone then the captain said if you look to your left you can see the Northern Lights! It was amazing to see the Northern Lights for the 3rd time but this time I'm higher up and they were beautiful!

I still can't get over my amazing trip to Iceland and the memories will stay with me forever. The first time I saw the Northern Lights is easily one of the best days of my life and something that will stay with me forever.

What do you think about my holiday to Iceland? Has it made you want to go to Iceland?


  1. I have been to Iceland and fell in love with the place! I want to go back asap, simply because when I visited I didn't see the Northern Lights and only experienced the Blue Lagoon at night

  2. As I commented on your other post, the Northern Lights are high on my bucket list and I'm so jealous! Norway sounds amazing! Though a fiver for a portion of chips?! WTF?

  3. I've heard so many great things about Iceland. I'm glad you had a good time!

  4. I have to admit I so jealous it sounds like the most amazing trip and such a beautiful place to spend some time. x

  5. Sounds like you had an incredible trip! The Northern Lights are high up on my bucket list even though I live somewhere that it is commonish to see them anyway! I'd also love to travel to Iceland as it just seems incredible!
    Lauren // OhHay Blogs!

  6. Looks like a fantastic holiday with lots of delicious looking food x

  7. Awww looks like you had such a great time! I've always wanted to visit here x

  8. Oh wow! What an absolutely incredible trip, I've read each of your posts on Iceland and it's on my list of places to visit next year.

  9. It sounds like you had a great time, I would really love to visit Iceland. I lived in Denmark for about 14 months and it really was amazing.

  10. I've never been to Iceland but it sounds amazing, I'd love to go

  11. It is one of my dreams to go to Iceland - to just see the Northern Lights once, let alone three times, lucky you ;) I am the same about cold meat, I don't know why though :|
    X X

  12. I have enjoyed your posts about Iceland - especially the Northern Lights - I would love to see them one day. Kaz x

  13. It sounds like such an amazing trip, definitely need to visit as it has been on my wishlist to get too for so long x
