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Saturday 5 September 2015

Three Shades of Red

If you can think of a shade of red, I'm pretty sure I've been it! I've been dying my hair red for the past 4 years now and I can't imagine being any other colour! I started off with a darker deep red/purple which lead to a strawberry red, fire truck red to the beautiful shade of red I am today.
Three Shades of Red

With all my trial and errors of using different brands I've worked out what is best for my hair, I found Crazy Color. I love crazy color because it's semi-permanent which means it isn't damaging my hair as much as other brands were. I'm sure you're wondering 'why is the post called three shades of red?' well fear not, I'm about to tell you. To get my favourite shade of red, I currently mix three different colours together. At first I was mixing only two but this third colour really brings it to a whole new level. 
I use:
Crazy Color - Fire
Crazy Color - Vermilion Red
Schwarzkopf Live Color XXL - Ultra Bright 92 Pillar Box Red 
Fire | Vermilion

How I use it:
First of all I bleach my hair with Born Blonde by Nice 'n' Easy or Garnier Nutrisse Truly Blonde Maximum Lightener Bleach. I use whatever is on offer as it takes 3/4 boxes to bleach my whole head (root to tips). 

After washing out the bleach I condition my hair for a few hours to overnight, when I wash the conditioning treatment out I brush my hair to get rid of any tangles and start the dying process. Crazy Color recommend dying your hair whilst it's still wet and I've not had a problem yet.

I leave it on my hair for about an hour before washing it off, putting in a leave in conditioner and styling my hair as normal.

I don't have a formula for my hair colour, I just mix until I see the perfect shade. I use the whole bottle of XXL, add half Fire and then add Vermilion to taste. As I have such thick hair it does take a lot of product for full coverage like I said with the bleach, that often takes 3/4 boxes depends on how much regrowth I have and if I'm doing all my hair.

Top Tips
- Always wear gloves, crazy color stains like a *****!
- If you're going blonde first, make sure you do a deep conditioning treatment.
- Strand test your hair to make sure it's the right shade for you.
- Make sure you have enough bottles, I'd rather have too much than run out with only half a head!
- With CC you can keep the dye, unlike other dyes that you have to bin once opened. 
- After shampooing use cold water to lock in the colour,  red runs ALOT and using cold water stops it running so quickly. 
- Anti-Dandruff shampoo will make the colour fade.
- Stay out of the sun, your hair will fade quicker.
- Redye every 2 - 4 weeks to keep your hair fresh and bright.

Have you tried Crazy Color? Do you dye your hair yourself at home?


  1. I've never dyed my hair before, but you make me want to give it a try. Love that shade of red! Looks absolutely beautiful on you :)

  2. Love your hair colour. Great tips you have here. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you so much for this blog. I have never tried crazy colour, but will try it for sure. My daughter is also looking for purple shades she loves and I love the idea of being able to keep some of the colour back :) Thanks

  4. This vibrant red really suits you...I don't think I could pull it off though. :-)

  5. Your hair looks amazing! I used to wish I could pull off the burgundy red when I was younger but I don't think I ever managed it.

  6. I love the colour it does suit you. I have been red before, but now I have red and blonde highlights in my hair, I did not know that using cold water to rinse keeps the colour longer, I will certainly try that one out x

  7. Pantene also strips red (even the colour protect variety!) My hairdresser told me that ;)
    Having been red for years, I'm finally stripping back to brown but wow it's taking ages. The effort we go.to!

    1. There are so many shampoos that strip hair. I find it's normally the brands who also sell hair dye so it strips it and then you have to buy more dye without realising it's the shampoo doing it. xD

  8. Ohh I might have to give these a whirl I really want to brighten up my hair a bit. x

  9. Ooh I never knew about the cold water trick! I may have to give that a try. The last time I went red I died the White toilet seat in the bathroom by accident, you can imagine how horror movie that look until we found a solution to remove it! Gorgeous red! X

    1. I've done the same and can't shift it. The bath always looks like something off CSI xD x

  10. I always envy people who can have hair colour like this, it looks amazing x

  11. I love your hair colour!!!! I've died mine red a few times and a dark purple/red which reminds me I need to do mine again as my routes are so bad!!! xx

  12. I love the colour! I have used crazy colour in the past and it's fab - I just wish I didn't have to bleach my hair to get them to show!

  13. I haven't dyed my hair in such a long time..I had red once and purple and adored them!

  14. Wow that's a lot of bleach and dye! Looks amazing though!

  15. I have never dyed my hair as I am a natural red head but your hair looks amazing! I love the colour.

  16. I dyed my hair bright, bright red years ago for so long but I never used crazy colour because it used to fade so much! Have you tried stripping your hair instead of bleaching? Won't harm it as much :-)

    Catstello | http://www.cattitudeandco.uk

  17. I've always dreamed of having the balls to dye my hair a really bright red, but never plucked up the courage - strawberry blonde was as brave as I ever got, haha! x

  18. That shade of red is gorgeous! I really want silver/ash blonde hair at the moment.

    Daniella | Freshly Pressed Beauty

  19. I use to use this hair dye years ago. The red really suits you.

  20. Wow...you look amaze... I wish I could experiment with my hair as much.
    - Heena, www.icynosure.in

  21. Such a rich colour! It suits you incredible! Since I wear pink hair;p i have doscovered shades of pink I can make depending on my mood haha

    1. I love your pink hair so much, I'd like to go pink one day but more of a hot pink as I'd be going from black and think having light pink wouldn't suit me.

  22. The color looks good on you.What hair treatment do you use?

  23. Wow! It is brave for a woman to have red hair. I wish I can pull that through.

  24. I went red before as well but I found the upkeep a tad too much for me, especially since I'm very low maintenance when it comes to my hair in general. That and my hair is already very dry naturally, so I try to stop coloring it so much. My hair is naturally dark brown, but I dye it black.

  25. I love the Fire red.. It's soo bright and suits you well. You look great girl

    Chaicy - GIG Love

  26. OMG !!! I love Fire Red on you... I so want to get red hair color done but I can never pull it off as beautifully as you're doing ... Love it x

  27. i tried red once on my ends for an ombre effect and i havent gone back to red ever since. it fades so quickly! my red ends were gone within a week and i didn't even wash my hair daily. red is really a high maintenance hair colour.

  28. Ooooo!! I was used to want red hair, but it fades so fast, that is just unsatisfying. ><

  29. You seriously have guts to dye your hair red. I could never have done that.

    -Fatemah Sajwani

  30. I never tried red on my hair but girl seriously you look fantastic!
    I was wondering how long these color actually last ?

  31. really nice red colour..im jus too lazy to use cold water to wash my hair and i like hot water shower hahaha...

  32. Your red hair looks very pretty! Great clicks dear. BTW how long will the effect remain?

  33. I never dyed my hair because I'm scared of ruining it. Yours looks great!
