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Tuesday 3 November 2015

Wanderlust: Updated Travel Bucket List

Macbook Pro with passport on table showing travel quote
Travel is a massive part of my life, I couldn't imagine a life stuck in London, not seeing the world.
I've been to so many amazing countries over the years and if you're a reader of my blog you'd know I recently ticked Iceland off my travel bucket list and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I wanted to update My Travel Bucket List which I wrote back in April and share a few of the other countries on my bucket list and explain them a little more.
Coast to Coast USA (Eastbound part Route 66)
Map of USA with route mapped out
After university, if I've not secured my dream job I am looking to travel from San Fransisco to New York. I'd like to drive part of route 66 and carry on to New York. While doing Route 66 I'd go off and see other things such as Las Vegas as it really interests me. I've been looking it up and it's pretty cheap to find a flight and I'd say in one hotel/hostel in San Fransisco and then find motels and cheap hostel along the way. Only expensive part is the car, I find it cheap but they want to charge $1000 because I'll be dropping the car in a different state. You'd think they'd know 1000s of people travel from coast to coast but for some reason I can't bypass $1000 fee. I'd be pretty happy with just doing Route 66, starting in San Fransisco and  driving to Chicago before driving back to California and spending a few days there. Either way I'd like to spend two weeks doing this trip, ideally it would be three weeks but it's hard to get the time off work. I'm more than happy to do this trip alone but I know a few of my friends share the same dream, it's great studying tourism, everyone wants the same thing... To see the world.

Norway / Sweden
After Iceland Norway and Sweden and high on my bucket list. I've always had a thing for The Scandinavian countries and I can read a little Swedish (although I can not speak it) so I'd love to visit the country. There is so much to do in Norway and Sweden including the Northern Lights, they were beautiful in Iceland and I'd love to see them again so when I do go to Norway and Sweden it would be during the winter months so I can see the lights again. I'd love to see/visit Geirangerfjord, Viking Ship Museum, Norwegian Museum of Cultural History, Oslo Opera House and Pulpit Rock before getting a train to Sweden and having stop overs in different cities. I'd end my trip in Stockholm before flying home. I'd love to see and visit Stockholm Palace, Gothenburg Botanical Garden, Museum of Medieval, Stockholm Old Town and of course the canals and hopefully the Ice hotel/bar. 

Thailand is my biggest fantasy, I'm still not sure if I'm mentally ready for Thailand alone. It's a big step going to a country half way across the world who's first language isn't English and has a crime rate like Thailand. I'd of course love to do the normal Thailand solo traveler route of starting in Khao San Road with it's amazing nightlife and then heading south and doing some island hopping. I'd love to do the full moon party too. I'd love to visit The Grand Palace, Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra Kaew), The Snake Farm and loads of other attractions.
Australia (Road Trip)
I've got extended family in Australia and I'd love to visit them. They live in Perth and it would be the first place on my Australia road trip. I'd love to travel through Australia with friends, something like The Inbetweeners 2 movie but with less 'drama'. I'd love to stay overnight in Alice Springs to see the Red Centre/Uluru before heading to the east coast to Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast before heading down to Sydney where I'd end my journey. I'd of course love to go to Bondi Beach and see Sydney Harbour Bridge, Great Barrier Reef and the other wonders of Australia. 
Asian Adventures 
Thailand isn't the only Asian country I'd like to visit. I'd love to spend three months traveling to different countries around Asia, staying in hostels and backpacking. Start The Adventure (STA Travel) have loads of guided tours around Asia and the Indochina In-Depth tour gets me excited. It takes you to Thailand, Vietnam, Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos. It costs little over £3000 for 41 days. I'd also like to do their Ultimate India by Rail and Southeast Asia in Depth. Like I said with Thailand I'm unsure if I could travel around Asia on my own, I know at 22 I should be ready but I still feel too young to do such a big adventure on my own with no guides. 

Have you been to any of these countries? 
What's on your Travel bucket list?


  1. Great post! I've been lucky enough to travel to Thailand, New York and San Francisco although there are still loads of places I'd love to see... here's some on my bucket list: http://whatkirstydidnext.com/2015/09/26/where-would-you-travel-if-money-were-no-object/

  2. Coast to coast USA would be SUCH a dream - I'm actually doing LA > San Fran in April next year and can't wait, eep!

    Milly // Mini Adventures

  3. I love your bucket list and really hope you get to visit all the countries on it. We are wanting to start visiting places with our daughter not holidays but a few days. We went to Paris this year and loved it and have a long list of places we want to take her. Iceland is very high on our list at the moment

  4. There's so many countries and cities I want to visit and explore too. I would love to go to Venice.

    Roxie | The Beautiful Bluebird

  5. Great travel bucket list - I would love to go to Cuba. It looks fantastic - lots of beautiful architecture, rum and good food.

  6. I really hope you get to complete your list. I would love to go back to Florida, and also to go to Italy and Santorini. Kaz x

  7. I too have been bitten by the wanderlust bug and would love to visit Egypt& Spain among other countries x

  8. Such exciting goals! My bucket list at the moment is to do all the US states. I've done 6 so far sooooo quite a way to go haha!

  9. Good luck on competing your travel bucket list you have some amazing places listed :) x

  10. This all looks amazing!! Coast to coast USA is a dream of mine but it'll probably be too expensive for me. Am hoping to head out to California for a few weeks next summer but we'll see!

  11. I love travelling. Hoping to do more of it next year.

  12. Some great choices there, and I'd love to go each and every one of them! I've always dreamed of visiting America though since I was small so that's definitely right at the top of my list.

  13. Great list, and great choices! I'd love to go to each and every one of them. I've always dreamed of going to America though. so that'd be right at the top of my list.

  14. I hope you get to tick off all your trips on your bucket list. I adore America, I have family that live there and my dad worked there for a brief time so I got to visit a lot when I was younger.

  15. What a list! Hopefully you're able to complete this list without fail. I've got quite a few countries on my list though not sure when I would be able to get to it.

  16. My hubby really wants to do Route 66 too which is surprising as he drives a lot for work so I didnt think he'd fancy it! xxx

  17. Really good bucket list. I'm planning a trip to Norway in the new year :) x

  18. I really want to do a road trip across america - that would be a dream come true! I didn't know that about car drop off fees though!

  19. I've always wanted to travel, but find it really hard with the children and lack of funds. I did manage to get to France and Amsterdam while I was at uni a few years back though

  20. Oh man this trip would be amazing! I need to start saving for another holiday soon, it's been too long!

  21. I would really love to do highway 66 and drive the entire route x

  22. I recently just did a big trip across the U.S and even though it was my 3rd big U.S trip, there is just so much to see.

  23. You have some amazing trips planned. I've never been to US but I would like to go for a bike ride-out trip out there... have to love their open roads.

  24. I would adore to visit Iceland. I think a lot of people think I am strange but I actually hate the heat and love the cold!

  25. Such an amazing list Charlene. Sometimes it is better to travel, explore, see different places, experience new cultures, enjoy new food and meet amazing people rather than working all the time. But I do wish that you end up getting your dream job. Despite being in Australia, I never thought about doing a road trip. If you come, hoping to see you in Melbourne ^_^

  26. the coast to coast usa is something that i would love to do one day. friend did it a few years back and he loved it

  27. I really wana do a Coast to Coast in USA too! But lovely to see your bucket list. I'm gonna add a few to mine. THanks for sharing

    xoxo - GIG Love - Style.. A Pastiche

  28. Very detailed plans you've got ! I'd love to travel in Europe or USA , for one .

  29. My sister is in Sweden so I might look forward in travelling there soon. This is a good list by the way.

  30. sounds like a very lengthy and totally worth it travel bucket list! Perth is a great place to relax though I agree a trip to Asia would really open your sights :)

  31. Right now I'm heading for a short trip and reading your post in car... My trips never had plans before... Ha ha

  32. For a lady, please avoid Khao Shan when you're in Thailand. Night was great but solo travellers for woman better avoid that area. Every year I will be in Thailand, so yeah...i roughly know the place. And do come Spore if you have chance.

  33. I didn't realise that you could do that on google maps! It's actually great seeing what you have planned as it also helps add places on my bucket list too! x

  34. Hope that you are able to travel to each and everyone of these places! :)

  35. come and visit my Indonesia here.
    so we can meet up and i can be your guide :p

  36. Just fabulous! I'd say go travel the world to your heart's desire. I think you'll like NY city - you'll never run out of things to do here hehe.

  37. I love your bucket list and really hope you get to visit all the countries on it ... from your list i have visiited to Thailand already ... want to travel more n more ...
