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Monday 14 December 2015

Three new earrings from The Body Jewellery Shop

Back in September I shared with you my cute new labret studs from The Body Jewellery Shop {here}, I am actually still wearing one of them so when I recently received three more cute studs I couldn't wait to share them with you all.
This time I got....

Top earring: Steel Clip On Ear Cuff - £2.49*

I was super excited about this clip on ear cuff. I adore the weaving piercing but I'm far too scared to actually get one done so this is a great alternative and no one will know any different. Although the cuff looks great on it isn't the highest quality but you can't expect too much at only £2.49, it bends quite a lot and it did come off a couple of times, but this could be due to the fact I didn't press it to close it over the ear correctly. As I said quality isn't amazing but I'm so in love with it I really don't care. 

A little bonus: This also works great as a fake lip ring, I actually fooled a friend into thinking I had got my lip pierced three times! 

Tragus:  Pink Flowers £3.95*

* I could only find the clear flower bar online*
Just like the cuff I fell in love with this bar instantly but it was actually too short for me. I'm sure it would have been fine if it was a screw on at the front rather than the back. I've always had bars that screw on at the front, this one has a back ball which I found really difficult to screw on as the bar was already too short. I was scared the ball would end up in my ear if I wasn't careful so I gave up and in all the picture taken the bar is in without the ball to secure it. Because of this I wouldn't wear this bar again, which is a shame because it's so cute and after adding a picture to Snapchat a friend asked where I got it from and said how nice it looks.

Earrings: White Dice - £1.99*

I've always liked dice earring, when I first got my tragus done I had loads. I've never actually worn them in my lobe though. I wasn't too sure about how they'd feel while sleeping and using a phone, as you can see they're big dice, but they passed both tests. I completely forgot they were in, which is always a bonus. I tend to not wear earrings because most fail these tests.

What do you think of my three items? What one do you like the most?

If you're looking for some inspiration for a new earpiercing make sure you check TBJS out. 
*these items were gifted to me for the purpose of a review, in collaboration with EtailPR.


  1. I love the dice, so different it really stands out.

  2. Ooh I love the dice earrings they are so unique and would be something I would like to wear.

  3. I love a good ear piercing. Also don't be scared, just go for it :) I'm super addicted to getting more ink/piercings
    I love the dice and had a bright green when I was younger

  4. I have heard of this brand before. Lovely accessories.

  5. I love the little flowers and sadly as I have got older I have let a lot of my piercings heal over x

  6. I love the dice earrings - so much fun! You can never have too many pairs of earrings I think!

  7. I love the pink flowers and the dice is fun :)

  8. I am loving the flowers they are very pretty, but the dice is such as well - great choices. x

  9. Ah the dice earrings are very sweet - perfect for a family games night :D

  10. I love nothing more than experimenting with my earrings! I used to wear dice all of the time, and now i'm obsessed with ear cuffs! thebroughblog.weebly.com

  11. The ear cuff is amazing! It honestly looks pierced!! I'm too much of a wimp to get a piercing at the top of my ear too, so this is great x

  12. Lovely pieces, I like the ear cuff the most! Looks like you've had several piercings done!
    Lottie xx

  13. I used to wear earrings all the time, but recently they all seem to hurt my ears. I love the ear cuff though x

  14. these are very funky! I really like that! I need to get jewelery update for this xmas :)

  15. These are really cool and I only wish I could wear jewellery like this, sadly it hates me x

  16. The dice is my favourite from the three. It looks like a really cute piece.

  17. Loving the dice one the most! So affordable too, I must check them out!

  18. Lovely earrings. I really want a new piercing after reading this x

  19. I love all of these - I would have had more ear piercings when I was younger, but not now. My eldest has her nose pierced and I love it though. Kaz x

  20. I love the dice and the cuff earrings. I have my septum pierced and want more piercings haha

  21. I love the dice! Unfortunately my ears go funny if I wear anything other than gold.

  22. I LOVEthe body jewellery shop! Such good quality and price

  23. The pink flowers are so cute!!!! Shame it doesn't fit too well :(
