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Friday 11 November 2016

72 Hours in Copenhagen

This post is so overdue but it is finally here for you all to read -
I was lucky enough to go to Copenhagen, Denmark back in February for a few days with my close friends and we had a pretty amazing time. We were in Copenhagen for three days/two nights hence the title '72 hours in Copenhagen' and we got so much done in them three days. We stayed at Generator Hostel Copenhagen which is by far the best hostel I have ever stayed in. The staff were lovely, the rooms were clean with a private bathroom and the communal area/ bar was very lively yet relaxing and it completed our stay in Copenhagen.

Day One
Girl standing my canal in Christianshavn, Copenhagen, Denmark
Day one started with the girls sleeping over at my house, we woke up around 4:15am, got ready and got a cab to Victoria Coach Station before catching our EasyBus to Luton Airport, the drive wasn't too bad and felt like it only took about 45 minutes. We arrived in good time for our 7:30 flight. I didn't like Luton Airport very much, it is awful compared to Gatwick and it is actually worse than Gambia's Airport, I won't go into too much detail because I'm sure it isn't ethical to point out their flaws on the internet. We went to the toilets before getting a bite to eat but before we could eat anything had to run to the plane. As I was waiting for the girls to get their food I had a small single bite of my bagel and instantly felt ill, it was weird to instantly feel ill after taking a bite but I put it down to having not eaten anything yet and the fact it was still super early and I was tired. After about 5 minutes I had pains in my chest like it was stuck and wanted to vomit, it was like the bagel didn't want to shift and was stuck somewhere. I ended up buying two fizzy drinks for £3 which aided in helping me bring up the bagel. I vomited three times before getting on the plane but the pain hadn't gone, I started crying from the pain before the flight even took off but I have to say Ryan Air's cabin crew were lovely, they got me sick bags, asked if I was scared of flying and stuff like that, about 5 minutes after the seat belt sign went off I had to jump up, I felt claustrophobic, I was panicking and I kept vomiting up foam and didn't feel great. I ended up sitting at the back of the plane where the cabin crew sit for take off/landing and had a panic attack before finally vomiting up the bagel and it was like nothing had ever happened and I was a crazy lady. All the pain went, my chest loosened up and I didn't feel sick anymore. Isn't it crazy that the day my "7 Tips to ease a fear of flying" post goes live on the blog I had the worst flight of my life? It's a little like I jinxed myself but I didn't let my illness get me down, I just took things a little easier.

After the worst flight of my life it was pretty easy getting from the airport to your hostel, one straight metro then about a five minute walk, we had loads of bars and 7/11s around us and it was a great area. We decided Christiania was going to be our first stop, Christiania is a "hippie village" / free town in Copenhagen where even though it's illegal you can freely buy cannabis and smoke it. Although this isn't my thing it was a great experience to see it. Unfortunately due to the nature of Christiania you can't take pictures around Pusher Street. I actually enjoyed Christiania so much I'm actually writing my Culture and Tourist Landscapes assignment on it (and got a 1st I might add). After a few hours at Christiania we went for some food before heading back to the hostel for a little nap. During this time I got ill again and felt like I was having a heart attack, my chest kept getting tighter and tighter before loosening up and getting tighter again. I felt much better after my nap but the pain was still there, we went for a few drinks at the bar and took full advantage of the photo booth and hammocks.

Day Two
Day two was where we did the big bulk of our sightseeing, I wasn't feeling 100% but I was ready to finally see Copenhagen. We started off by getting a tiny bit lost/off schedule. We got the metro to Kongens Nytorv so we could visit the The Round Tower but we walked the wrong way and ended up coming across the beautiful Botanic Garden, we walk around for a while before heading over to the university to see the grounds, it looked so old compared to our very modern university. After our little walk we headed towards The Round Tower where we spotted the guards marching down the street playing music, by the time we ran there it was nearly finished but it was nice to sort of stumble upon. We finally found The Roundhouse and it cost 25DDK to go up, I was still feeling a little weak so we took our time to reach the top. The views were out of this world and I'm so glad I made it to the top without falling ill.
Once we made it back down, like the children we are, we headed to the student cafe for a quick cider and coffee before heading to the shopping street. I of course, had to pop into the Lego store for my little brother and it was great to see some many known brands and see the price difference. Our walk lead us to Tivoli Gardens, which unfortunately were close due to the winter season, although we never went into the Tivoli Gardens I could see that it's a must visit when you go to Copenhagen. We popped on the bus and headed towards the famous Little Mermaid, we stopped off and did our touristy things along the way but by this time it was practically freezing and we were starting to get colder and hungry.

After seeing The Little Mermaid we headed back towards the hostel for some food and a chilled evening at the bar. 

Day Three
After eating a biscuit and vomiting three more times it was time to check out and head out for the day, we didn't really have much planned other than going to the Carlsberg museum. The museum was a bus ride away from our hostel and pretty easy to get to. We are not massive beer drinkers but when in Rome (or Copenhagen) aye? It was 85DDK (£8.50) per adult and that included two free beers/soft drinks and you could have one of each if you chose. The Carlsberg museum, like most museums was a little boring but also extremely interesting. 

It was nice to walk around with a cold beer, seeing what Carlsberg had to offer, we were mesmerized by the factory where you could see the bottles come from a clear bottle, to a labeled bottle filled with Carlsberg and then boxed up and read to leave, it reminded me of the film The Borrowers but I finally got to see it live. After the museum we headed to Nyhavn where part of "The Danish Girl" was filmed. Nyhavn is beautiful, so colourful and very expensive. After Nyhavn we headed back to the hostel where it was time to pick up our luggage and hop on the metro to the airport.

I had an amazing time in Copenhagen and I know the girls and I would love to go back in the summer when it's a little warmer so we can see more of not only Copenhagen but of Denmark. This was my second taste of Nordic countries and I can't wait to eventually visit Norway (in January) and Sweden, if they're anything like Denmark and Iceland I know I'll love them! 

Have you visited Copenhagen before? Would you visit Copenhagen?


  1. You probably ate something off other than the bagel. Maybe you should have taken a motion sickness tablet before going to your flight. I think you were brave for pursuing this trip even though you were not feeling well. I think that you were still able to enjoy your visit to Copenhagen.

  2. Wow despite not feeling good you managed to pack an awful lot of activities in x

  3. Copenhagen is somewhere that I'd never thought of visiting but I'm hearing about people going there more and more.
    Sound like quite an eventful journey over there!!

  4. so glad you recovered quickly! It looks like a fabulous trip - I'd love to visit Copenhagen

  5. Copenhagen does look lovely, I really want to explore this city! I hate flying and I'm a travel blogger. I take a travel tablet and also get some prescribed from the dr. I always try and book extra legroom seats and sit on an aisle too. I also take a fan in case I get too hot.

  6. I have to admire your determination. I would probably have just stayed in the hostel feeling sorry for myself.

  7. I would really love to visit it, sorry you didn't feel so good, always horrible when you are away.

  8. Always wanted to visit Copenhagen. Word of advice 'though: if you ever go back, don't smoke the condoms.

  9. You did so much I'm hoping to take a trip soon!!
